watch out


WiiChat Member
Apr 12, 2011
Quad Cities, IA
i played with a guy today his name is MUSKET MAN. i joined a game was was against him and he was runnin around shootin in the air screwin off and he host quit with 3 seconds left. his stats were 5 kills 32 deaths. lvl 27 i think

well after bein pissed off i joined a game and played it out, then after game host quit. and went to join another game, and of course MUSKET MAN was host. this time he was on my team. in archives, we were MI6 and he kept bein hero and throwin a proxie into the wall and shooting it to kill himself. i kinda laughed til i was hero and he stood in front of me and kept shooting at me and destroying my proxies.
and of course with 5 seconds left he host quit. i was soo piseed off. in those 2 games i lost 1500 xp.
I know the feeling, I don't think I will ever play team conflict again. I played with an idiot named Cake Ninja, he was on my team and just kept killing me anytime I was near him. Then I checked the scoreboard and he had -11 points. He was trying to be funny by seeing how low he could get the score.
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i just thought it was stupid. the first game a played i was in the jungle and i climed the ladder where Janus starts and i had my snipe rifle with the infared and peered out and he was on the bridge just goin in cirlces and shooting the air. i watched for a few seconds before i shot him in his goofy face. i chuckled.

there were some good matches this afternoon. no lag and not many host quits. i was kinda surprised. no tubers either.

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