I'm becoming dissapointed with the wii...

I bought my wii back in 07 and bought smash bros. for it. It was an ok game, but I was kinda dissapointed with it. Then I played Twilight princess for it; I was dissapointed with it(particularly two things: the level of difficulty and all the waggling). Then I bought CoD WaW. It's fun and all, but I also dissapointed me(no voice chat support or even ANY way to communicate). Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

The bottom line is that the wii is slowly dissapointing me more and more. The immense amount of garbage that comes out on it is almost unbearable. I mean, the other day, I saw a game called"party babies" and this little girl was begging her mom for her to buy it for her saying, "please mom, buy it for me!" And the mom was like, "what do you do in the game?" to which the little girl replied, "you get to take care of babies!" or something like that anyways; I cringed on the inside. And the massive amounts of waggling involved in like every wii game is boring. Can't they come up with some more creative controls??? Then there's nintendo's stubborn persistence in "friend codes". If thing's seriously don't improve with the wii soon, I'm gonna get rid of it. Don't get me wrong though. Some games have done a good job with creative controls and stuff, but Why are the majority of the games on wii "waggling".

There's some hope though, in the Conduit and in the new(yet another one) peripheral; the wii motion plus thing. That game looks like it will be amazing. So If that game doesn't disappoint, I might hang on to my wii for a while. But I'm still disappointed that I have to buy yet another peripheral to enjoy games as they were meant to be played on the wii. I mean, why couldn't they just include the hardware from the beggining when they released the wii ? That kinda pisses me off.

meh... I'm just venting. feel free to discuss.
Dude, just wait for The Conduit(Coming out June 1, 2009)! It has Wii Speak capabilities and has the best shooter graphics(for a wii). Also MAdworld(Sometime next month) is going to be great too! It has to be the most bloodiest game ever!!

If you are looking for a non-violent game, go with Super MArio Galaxy! Its very entertaining and lasts a REALLY long time. Guitar Hero is also fun! Rockband is fun! Blazing Angels is a great fighting ww2 game where you fly a plane and shoot down enemies or bomb them. Also Star Wars:The force unleashed is insanely fun! Even if you don't like star wars the game is really fun. You get to pick up objects or enemies and throw them or shake them or do what ever you want to them! Look it up, its awesome!

Lastly my favorite is Resident Evil 4: wii edition. This game rocks. It has a 15+ hour campaign and a bunch of side missions and unlockable when you beat the game. LOkk it up and you will be amazed.

I think I listed like 8 games. I know how you feel. I used to be bored with the wii untill I tried out these games. I agree that TLOZ: TP is really easy and kinda dumb, but thats how all Zeldas are. Try out these games and see if you like them.

PS:Madworld and The Conduit are only coming out on the wii!! Show it off to your friends!!

thats what us "hardcore" gamers have been complaining about LOL.........this is so funny but true
Wait like another couple months and Nintendo will come out with some "hardcore gaming games"
Maybe you don't like Nintendo games, in which case I can understand you being dissapointed because the Wii has pretty much been surviving on 1st party games. Personally I have liked the majority so far because they do remind me of the N64 games that I used to play.

I didn't expect voice chat to be included in COD:WAW as it was released before Wii Speak, although I've always thought that the majority of voice chat in games was more annoying than anything else. Future games should feature it though for people who want that option.

Not sure why you are bothered by Wii Music and Party Babyz. They clearly are not aimed at you and there's no reason to deny the intended audience of games that they may enjoy. Party Babyz actually scored 7.5 on IGN so it's not a shovelware game and I have no objection to games that cater for kids/casuals as long as they are not lazy junk. A bit of something for everyone is fair.

There are already plenty of great games on the Wii from both Nintendo and 3rd parties (e.g. SMG, MP3, NMH, Okami, GH:WT, De Blob, PES, Shaun White etc). There are a lot more 'hardcore' games coming out this year though, with Tenchu, HOD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures this month, the awesome looking Madworld in March and of course The Conduit in June. More 3rd parties are shifting their focus towards the Wii too because it is the biggest selling system and because it's cheaper to develop for (which is good when in a recession).

2009 will be a great year for the Wii so you should really hang onto it. If you don't have a decent PC then supplement the Wii with a 360 or PS3 as well and then you'll be set for a lot of great gaming for the next couple of years.

Exactly, and the reality is that Ubisoft made bundles of $$$ off of the Petz/Kidz/Babyz line of games, which in turn helps fund development of so-called hardcore games like No More Heroes and Red Steel 2. And if anyone doesn't think there were crap games for any other consoles, they're dreaming.

Honestly, if the TC doesn't like the family-friendly games for the Wii (which nobody is forcing him/her to buy), sell the Wii and get something else...
I am getting the feeling that all the hype around The Conduit is going to ruin the game for lots of people. I hope that is not the case, but I am not getting my hopes up.

I am however, looking forward to Wii Sports 2 and Motion+. This is something that would have been great from the get-go, but I don't think the technology was quite there yet (affordable). I am a huge fan of many of the first party titles so far, and the motion plus presents a great opportunity for the new Zelda game, a new StarFox game, etc.
Yes and actually its not called wii sports 2 but is called wii sports resort. It takes place in this tropical resort that is right next to the ocean. Games announced to be included (so far) are: Frisbee (Disc Dog), Jet Skiing (Power Cruising) and Kendo (Sword Play), however, it has been indicated that there will be at least 10 games included in the final product.

Thats not the exciting part though. Its come with WiiMotion Plus. The Wii MotionPlus is an expansion device that allows the Wii Remote to more accurately capture complex motion. According to Nintendo, the sensor in the device supplements the accelerometer and Sensor Bar capabilities of the Wii Remote to enable actions to be rendered identically on the screen in real time. Look it up on Youtube to see how revolutionary it really is.

All this come with the game, the Wiimotion Plus and an extra long wii-jacket to fit on the expansion and is priced around $49.99

GO TO THIS LINK TO SEE MORE --------------> [video=youtube;JGIjEnPJflQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGIjEnPJflQ[/video]
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Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

Just for record, I got Wii Music a few days ago. To me, the 1UP review was right on the money... "True musicianship has taken a hit recently with all the music-based videogames captivating today's youth, and Wii Music will surely be the next virtual music experience replacing real music for everyone. As a classically trained musician, I might take offense at this -- except that Wii Music gets it really right. Using the Wii Remote, Nunchuk, and (optionally) Balance Board to mimic the motions of real instruments may have seemed like a bad joke when the game was first announced, but in practice, it works amazingly well. It's worth it to take the time to learn the four different instrument motions (drums, guitar, horns, and violin) because the game offers so many varied opportunities to pretend-play all of the dozens of instruments in the game, and knowing how to wave your arms and press the buttons just right makes the crucial difference between a stupid-silly game and an actually fulfilling one. "

To me it definitely deserves its A- ranking.
i agree. wii music is a lot of fun. its just that all the newbs,kids,"hardcore" gamers dismissed it and never gave it a chance.
I bought my wii back in 07 and bought smash bros. for it. It was an ok game, but I was kinda dissapointed with it. Then I played Twilight princess for it; I was dissapointed with it(particularly two things: the level of difficulty and all the waggling). Then I bought CoD WaW. It's fun and all, but I also dissapointed me(no voice chat support or even ANY way to communicate). Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

The bottom line is that the wii is slowly dissapointing me more and more. The immense amount of garbage that comes out on it is almost unbearable. I mean, the other day, I saw a game called"party babies" and this little girl was begging her mom for her to buy it for her saying, "please mom, buy it for me!" And the mom was like, "what do you do in the game?" to which the little girl replied, "you get to take care of babies!" or something like that anyways; I cringed on the inside. And the massive amounts of waggling involved in like every wii game is boring. Can't they come up with some more creative controls??? Then there's nintendo's stubborn persistence in "friend codes". If thing's seriously don't improve with the wii soon, I'm gonna get rid of it. Don't get me wrong though. Some games have done a good job with creative controls and stuff, but Why are the majority of the games on wii "waggling".

There's some hope though, in the Conduit and in the new(yet another one) peripheral; the wii motion plus thing. That game looks like it will be amazing. So If that game doesn't disappoint, I might hang on to my wii for a while. But I'm still disappointed that I have to buy yet another peripheral to enjoy games as they were meant to be played on the wii. I mean, why couldn't they just include the hardware from the beggining when they released the wii ? That kinda pisses me off.

meh... I'm just venting. feel free to discuss.

I thiink you're lacking perspective on the Wii. The nature of the console made it bound to be the target for countless shovelware games. Wii is for predominantly casual audiences. It is also the largest audience in the gaming market. Thus Wii makes a crapload of money for tageting them efficiently. Casuals are also simple to please, resulting in several companies left and right throwing out kiddy games left and right because it's easy to profit off of it. Only on Wii does a developer not have to put in somewhere near millions of dollars on a game in order to create commendable-to-huge profit margins. All they need is little more than attractive kid-friendly characters playing some kind of sport assigned to Wii's Motion controls and Parents and Grandparents everywhere will buy, buy, buy.

As such, it's surprising to hear that you appeared to have bought a Wii without accepting the fact that a HUGE AMOUNT of garbage would be released on it in the midst of the much fewer, buy-worthy games.

Also, why on Earth should you feel "offended" because of games like Wii Music and Party Babies? If I recall correctly, people generally embrace the Wii for what it does (still a hot item for party environments), due in a major part to its attachment rate of people from kids to adults. So it's fairly obvious that Wii caters to a multitude of ages from the get go. Thus, the only surprise to someone about some baby game available on the Wii is if you actually bought it, not that it exists in general. As long as you don't have it, why would people have a reason to diss you?

Finally, a possibility for Nintendo not including that 1:1 sensitivity stuff (Wii Motion Plus) at release is probably the same reason PS3 didn't have trophies, in-game menu, and other features at release; and that reason is that they didn't know pre-launch how much the public needed with the console relative to production costs. Considering that production costs (how much money needed to make each console) prevent any company from throwing EVERYTHING in a console, Nintendo probably just gave their best measure of how much motion control was necessary for the console to be most effecient at the greatest cost-efficiency (and Nintendo loves to make low-cost consoles). Also factor in that complete motion control was a new concept for a modern console's primary controls at the time. They could have just as easily been unable to figure out whether or not their current-standard motion control quality would be enough since it has never been utilized before at their scale anyway.

As for me, I still play my Wii for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Sonic Unleashed...both being EXCELLENT games (the latter may be because I'm a Sonic fan, though). I also got Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and a few other games from friends that I have yet to play, so I'll be satisfied for a good while.
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Everyone has their own taste in games. I am now on my 2nd Wii, having sold my first one back when I bought my PS3. After owning both consoles (will not buy a 360) I have come to realize that they all have their strengths and weaknesses. You have to realize that the Wii is not designed for hardcore gamers. If you are looking for hardcore, in-depth, challenging games, then you really need to switch to the PS3. The Wii is designed to draw previous non-gamers into the gaming world. This is to include older people and children. Nintendo strives on making sure that the Wii remains playable for those types of gamers. That is why there are a TON of party mini-game games on the Wii. Sure, some developers will eventually come out with games that are designed for the hardcore gamers, but they will be few and far in between and never as good as their counterparts on the other consoles. I have my PS3 because I enjoy the graphics and the ease of meeting and chatting with friends. I have my Wii because I enjoy having a system that utilizes controls unlike any other system out there. Oh, and for Wii Fit. But enough defending them, here is my list of Wii complaints:

Meeting new friends: It is like Nintendo does not want us to communicate with fellow gamers. I mean, you have to aquire a code from them, then have them invite you as well?!?!? Insane.

Lack of Hard Drive options: I currently have a 320 gig HDD in my PS3 and it is a real relief knowing that I will not run out of space on it any time soon. However, after downloading about 5 classic games and 3 or 4 WiiWare games, I am quickly running out of room on the Wii.

Lack of good accessories: Seriously, is there ONE good gun attachment out there that works and actually feels realistic? Since nearly every shooting game (if not every) uses the B button to shoot, then the only time shooting feels realistic is when your char is using a pistol. I want a rifle attachment that can be used right handed and actually feel realistic.
Everyone has their own taste in games. I am now on my 2nd Wii, having sold my first one back when I bought my PS3. After owning both consoles (will not buy a 360) I have come to realize that they all have their strengths and weaknesses. You have to realize that the Wii is not designed for hardcore gamers. If you are looking for hardcore, in-depth, challenging games, then you really need to switch to the PS3. The Wii is designed to draw previous non-gamers into the gaming world. This is to include older people and children. Nintendo strives on making sure that the Wii remains playable for those types of gamers. That is why there are a TON of party mini-game games on the Wii. Sure, some developers will eventually come out with games that are designed for the hardcore gamers, but they will be few and far in between and never as good as their counterparts on the other consoles. I have my PS3 because I enjoy the graphics and the ease of meeting and chatting with friends. I have my Wii because I enjoy having a system that utilizes controls unlike any other system out there. Oh, and for Wii Fit. But enough defending them, here is my list of Wii complaints:

Meeting new friends: It is like Nintendo does not want us to communicate with fellow gamers. I mean, you have to aquire a code from them, then have them invite you as well?!?!? Insane.

Lack of Hard Drive options: I currently have a 320 gig HDD in my PS3 and it is a real relief knowing that I will not run out of space on it any time soon. However, after downloading about 5 classic games and 3 or 4 WiiWare games, I am quickly running out of room on the Wii.

Lack of good accessories: Seriously, is there ONE good gun attachment out there that works and actually feels realistic? Since nearly every shooting game (if not every) uses the B button to shoot, then the only time shooting feels realistic is when your char is using a pistol. I want a rifle attachment that can be used right handed and actually feel realistic.

You made some good points, but missed some in the process. I don't want this to turn into a console wars thread either just saying that now. Every console has its strengths and weaknesses, your right. You pointed out them for Wii but not PS3 and you didn't even bother mentioning the 360.

Anyways, yes Wii has kiddie games and the great titles are few and far between. However, the times are changing and 2009 is shaping up to be a great year for Wii. Many within Sony predict (yet again) that 2009 is the year for Sony, but how many times have we heard that this generation?

PS3 isn't perfect either, sure it has good visuals and good games but its mainly relying on third party titles to deliver and offering few first party games each year. Yes I know Killzone 2 is coming and a few other titles but how does that give Sony an edge.

Wii's memory is lacking sure, and a hardrive would be nice but until recently when they decided to add content it hasn't been an issue. As far as I know they are still working on a solution at this time. As for the PS3, it had about 12 different models in the course of the year and all this getting rid of/bringing back got tiresome.

Wii's accessories suck? What accessories for PS3 are good? The charging cables that run no longer than 4 feet making playing games with friends difficult? I think the accessories for Wii have been good they just haven't been implemented enough (i.e. balance board).

Meeting new friends? I agree the online on Wii gets tiresome but with WiiSpeak out now and games starting to make lobbies for chat (Conduit) soon enough that may not be an issue.

As for the 360 I think its a good alternative for core gamers as well who were not satisfied with the Wii at first and wanted another console to go along with it. Not to mention its about $100 cheaper than a PS3 still the decision to buy a 360 was easy for me, as it was for so many others as well.
You made some good points, but missed some in the process. I don't want this to turn into a console wars thread either just saying that now. Every console has its strengths and weaknesses, your right. You pointed out them for Wii but not PS3 and you didn't even bother mentioning the 360.

Anyways, yes Wii has kiddie games and the great titles are few and far between. However, the times are changing and 2009 is shaping up to be a great year for Wii. Many within Sony predict (yet again) that 2009 is the year for Sony, but how many times have we heard that this generation?

PS3 isn't perfect either, sure it has good visuals and good games but its mainly relying on third party titles to deliver and offering few first party games each year. Yes I know Killzone 2 is coming and a few other titles but how does that give Sony an edge.

Wii's memory is lacking sure, and a hardrive would be nice but until recently when they decided to add content it hasn't been an issue. As far as I know they are still working on a solution at this time. As for the PS3, it had about 12 different models in the course of the year and all this getting rid of/bringing back got tiresome.

Wii's accessories suck? What accessories for PS3 are good? The charging cables that run no longer than 4 feet making playing games with friends difficult? I think the accessories for Wii have been good they just haven't been implemented enough (i.e. balance board).

Meeting new friends? I agree the online on Wii gets tiresome but with WiiSpeak out now and games starting to make lobbies for chat (Conduit) soon enough that may not be an issue.

As for the 360 I think its a good alternative for core gamers as well who were not satisfied with the Wii at first and wanted another console to go along with it. Not to mention its about $100 cheaper than a PS3 still the decision to buy a 360 was easy for me, as it was for so many others as well.
And how many times have we heard that this generation? :sleep:
And how many times have we heard that this generation? :sleep:

A few :lol:

But at least Nintendo and others who speculated were right about that. Usually it was in reference to their first party titles as third party support was never there like we thought it was. However its hard not to say that 2009 could be a great year for the Wii, we don't really even know what Nintendo has planned yet.

Besides, Nintendo wasn't as bold in saying that they would have great years, Sony was damn near confident they would have great years.
To PS3's credit, 2008 actually was its year. The problem was that people were expecting that to reflect in its sales (which it didn't). It didn't outsell the other consoles for the year, sure, but it covered an incredible amount of ground with moves like the Blu-Ray victory, adoption of Trophies and In-game menu, and the release of many quality exclusives. So no, it wasn't its year in terms of sales figures by any means, but the console with the most quality content in that year definitely came from the PS3.

I hope this year is Wii's year, honestly.
I bought my wii back in 07 and bought smash bros. for it. It was an ok game, but I was kinda dissapointed with it. Then I played Twilight princess for it; I was dissapointed with it(particularly two things: the level of difficulty and all the waggling). Then I bought CoD WaW. It's fun and all, but I also dissapointed me(no voice chat support or even ANY way to communicate). Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

The bottom line is that the wii is slowly dissapointing me more and more. The immense amount of garbage that comes out on it is almost unbearable. I mean, the other day, I saw a game called"party babies" and this little girl was begging her mom for her to buy it for her saying, "please mom, buy it for me!" And the mom was like, "what do you do in the game?" to which the little girl replied, "you get to take care of babies!" or something like that anyways; I cringed on the inside. And the massive amounts of waggling involved in like every wii game is boring. Can't they come up with some more creative controls??? Then there's nintendo's stubborn persistence in "friend codes". If thing's seriously don't improve with the wii soon, I'm gonna get rid of it. Don't get me wrong though. Some games have done a good job with creative controls and stuff, but Why are the majority of the games on wii "waggling".

There's some hope though, in the Conduit and in the new(yet another one) peripheral; the wii motion plus thing. That game looks like it will be amazing. So If that game doesn't disappoint, I might hang on to my wii for a while. But I'm still disappointed that I have to buy yet another peripheral to enjoy games as they were meant to be played on the wii. I mean, why couldn't they just include the hardware from the beggining when they released the wii ? That kinda pisses me off.

meh... I'm just venting. feel free to discuss.

yeah this happens to most wii owners who bought a wii for the sake of gaming instead of gimicky games like wii sports (like your little sister or granpa) you've lasted longer than most lol, i had mine under a year.
i've felt the same way about the wii lately, but just be patient. great games are soon to come.