Dissapointed with Wii points system

Cpt.McCloud said:
Console Owner gaining the rights to the reprinting rights?

I am getting a little confused here, were you referring to the consumer or the corporation?
I was speaking about the licensing between the console creators (ie. Nintendo) and 3rd party developers producing games on a specific console (ie NES, SNES, N64). No license that I know of grants Nintendo the right to re-produce a 3rd party titles without that developers permission. Because of this, even the classic games of the past won't just be given to Nintendo for free (that Nintendo doesn't own directly) for them to distribute on the VC as a reward for game accomplishment without that developer getting some sort of compensation.

If the point system was purely given for game play, external titles would cost Nintendo directly and we would be less likely to see them. We'd even be less likely to see Genesis or Neo-Geo for that matter as well.
now why would nintendo give out free games, dosnt sound right does it?, so why would they do it for virtual console? i rest my case.
Cpt.McCloud said:
But it's ok for PS3 to copy Nintendo, a lot.

Then when we make a game that has a planet thats round we get blamed for copying off rachet and clank...:wtf:

youre absolutely wright capt. McCloud Playstation has allways been copying nintendo every step of the way....like for instance the motion controls on the new ps3 controls...well actually they call it the tilt or something like that....i mean where do you think they got that idea from!

Nintendo of Course!
so i guess anything that has the smallest bit of having to do with motion sensing is out of the question because nintendo has done it. gotcha.. and PS3 and Wii were released around the same time so it could of been Nintendo copying Sony but expanding more on it.

now why would nintendo give out free games, dosnt sound right does it?,

I can understand N64 but NES and turbografx games? those aren't worth 5 bucks a game
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Ellokko1 said:
youre absolutely wright capt. McCloud Playstation has allways been copying nintendo every step of the way....like for instance the motion controls on the new ps3 controls...well actually they call it the tilt or something like that....i mean where do you think they got that idea from!

Nintendo of Course!

The Six-Axis was a feature which was developed later on and it was kind of rushed into a few games.

JerryC said:
Six-axis was available at launch and was already incorporated into COD3 (PS3 Launch Title)


It was something that was added later on during the development, not after the console was released.
nintendo would have been some thousand, or even million dollars poorer if those games were for free, think of all the wii-points cards that have been sold......

of course it's too bad we have to pay for those games, but there wouldn't have been so many games on VC if they were for free, also they are not expensive, so they worth buying!!
I have also heard people say they want games for free or super cheap, but if i remember correctly they had 4.6 million downloads as of august or somthing. If so, even if all theg games were 5 dollars thats 23 million dollars. Plus some games are 10 dollars bringing to total tp 46 million if they were all N64 games. They profit to much from this. IF they were given up for free, Nintendo wouldd have less money, less staff, less everything, like less games less channels =() so stop complaining and pay the 5 dollars, It will only come back in the form of a gtame or channel, or new console maybe
I know you people should live with because nothing is freaking cheap or free in the U.S. so deal with it.