if you need help with twilight princess come here

HI trying to get into death mountain but the guard just bowls me over all the time. I press grab but it just shoves me off the edge. any help folkes would be appreciated. TIA
You have to go back to the ordon village and talk to the mayor and he will give you iron boots.
pro gamer said:
You have to go back to the ordon village and talk to the mayor and he will give you iron boots.

Thanks for your help...ive googled a walkthrough now so should help when i get stuck...the only problem is that i need to make sure i dont use the walk through for the whole game...sorta spoils the fun....:thumbsup:
rob585 said:
Thanks for your help...ive googled a walkthrough now so should help when i get stuck...the only problem is that i need to make sure i dont use the walk through for the whole game...sorta spoils the fun....:thumbsup:

A problem I had with this game was that I thought it would be more complicated than it was at the beginning. So I kept assuming everything wasn't as straight forward as it actually was. Talk about making life harder for yourself!!!!!
It's a great game once you get going you only stop to make a mad dash at 3am to the 24 hour tesco for more batteries. :lol: Only to find other half awake gamers trying to figure out which ones are the AA's.
A guide to help

Copied from the other help thread.

So a note to asking for help in this thread. Alot of the time the people who answer the posts asking for help aren't here 24 hours a day to help in 'real time'. Sometimes you will catch us but most often you may need to wait a little. So my advice is this (just advice not rules or anything just help us to help you :yesnod: )

* If you are lost in a temple and don't know where to go, tell us what you did last and describe the room a little. Example I freed a monkey and got a key in a room with 3 chests. (also try looking for blacked out rooms on the map one of these is usually the next step. Also narrowing down your progress by telling us if you have done the mini boss helps.

* If you are looking for something. Sounds daft but tell us WHAT you are looking for like equipment or people!

*If you are unsure what to do next in the towns and fields. Ask around the people of the game sure are nosey and seem to know a lot about you and your quest!!! Or tell us what you did last. Example I finished the fire temple and I'm in kakariko village what do I do next.

*Be aware that the answers you will get will be spoilers. I know some of the helpers give little hints. But from personal experience if I'm on a thread asking for help I want details not hints! I respect what you are trying to do but personally I don't find hints helpful. If you don't want to be spoiled but it in your post and we won't spoil it for you . Probably won't help much either though.

*Be gratefull. I'm not asking for rep points personally, but bare in mind it's nice to thank people who help you. Lets use the rep system properly and with respect. If you like what someone says then reward them for it.
I dont find that walthroughs spoils the fun..

Spending an hour on a part that you can't get through spoils the fun.
Not really...getting through it feels better...pwning the **** out of the bosses feels better.
Using guides makes me feel that i can't do it alone so i don't use them.
Anyways...I'm bored of TP now. Nothing to do, so I'm going to try to beat COD3 of hard mode.
i need a few tips with the boss in the lakebed temple iv'e tried 5 times and died all 5 times and i'm getting really mad. so if you can give me and tips or cheats that would be very helpfull.

Ok. At first use put your iron boots while he is on the ground and claw shot his eye to you, if you can't, get closer, not too close though. Then, when he starts flying around, take off iron boots! He swims faster but you can cut through the middle to catch up to him. Have your clawsshot in your hand and when the time is right and you are close enough, Z target his eye and clawshot to him, and slice away. DO NOT GET INFRONT OF HIM OR HE WILL SUCK YOU INTO HIS MOUTH!
All I need are two more Poe Ghosts.
Does anybody have a link to a Poe Ghost guide?

It's been almost 2 months since I gave up the search.

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