If the wii had no wiimote, would you have bought it?

Heck no I would've got a 360 without the wiimote there'd be no point to having weaker graphics

I'd probably buy one once the price lowered for VC games and SSBB though
I'd still get the Wii as long as its controller wasn't the Classic Controller. Plus the games are worth it to me. I don't see how the Wii Remote could change my mind about this unique system.
the wiimote is the only reason to buy the wii, take that away and you have an 700mhz white box that is nothing more than a game cube, made solely for the purpose of getting back the profit nintendo lost with the game cube. The wiimote is the gimick, and its a good gimmick thats very fun. Take it away and your left with nothing except a franchise box.
Shiftfallout said:
the wiimote is the only reason to buy the wii, take that away and you have an 700mhz white box that is nothing more than a game cube, made solely for the purpose of getting back the profit nintendo lost with the game cube. The wiimote is the gimick, and its a good gimmick thats very fun. Take it away and your left with nothing except a franchise box.

What a sony fanboy like statement. Of course you're not a sony fanboy right? Why is it that you're constantly stalking me? More to the point why are you on this forum? You don't own a Wii. You basically hate it and think its not worth the money. So why not go to a ps3 website?
Definitely would not have bought it. I would have continued laughing at console owners who think they are getting a better experience than that on a PC.
MasterJedi2U said:

What a sony fanboy like statement. Of course you're not a sony fanboy right? Why is it that you're constantly stalking me? More to the point why are you on this forum? You don't own a Wii. You basically hate it and think its not worth the money. So why not go to a ps3 website?
I thought this was a Wii forum, not a "Im going to hate your opinion if its negative towards Nintendo" forum.

Let me guess, Nintendo spells tomato, toematio, so now you will tell someone their a webster dictionary fanboy if they spell it properly. Or wrong, in your sense.
MasterJedi2U said:

What a sony fanboy like statement. Of course you're not a sony fanboy right? Why is it that you're constantly stalking me? More to the point why are you on this forum? You don't own a Wii. You basically hate it and think its not worth the money. So why not go to a ps3 website?

Look i told the MOD prez I would try to ignore you but you were banned for a reason. Partially for mocking the mods and saying they are not needed because they do not do their jobs.

Personally you bring nothing to this community. And since you seem to know everything.. like how I do not own a wii.. which is funny because not only do you lie most of the time, you say stuff you have no idea about.
If this doesnt shut you up I do not know what will. *takes pic*

To prove its me you can either go to the picture thread or look at this more "serious" picture. your choice.

Look I even did a sexy pose for your sad arse. Guess i do own a wii.. ouch4u.

Im wasnt gonna complain about you to a mod, but you crossed the line.. AGAIN.

I respect Prez, and will not get into it farther than my self control allows me to. Buts just say this, I will alway stand by the side that I like nintendo for what nintendo does, what microsoft for what microsoft does and what SONY for what sony does. Im sorry you cannot accept this, but this is the LAST time. If you cannot win by logic, you attack by force, and this does not help the community.

PS: just because i respond in a thread does not mean im stalking you. You are just gonna have to deal with that fact.

I am on this forum because I choose to be, because I have a wii and because I want to interact with GAMERS not fanboys. Gamers talk about games, fanboys talk about companies. Gaming is what is important, not which company you hate. My final words to you, deal with it maturely.
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GamerCon said:
Nice gear.

LOL thanks, I custom built my PC, own a ton of consoles. I love games and the industry. When Im not doing something completely nerdy I am either acting, producing or hanging out with celebs. I live a very crazy lifestyle, but that doesnt make me stupid. Masterjedi has constantly attacked me, saying I do not have a wii, that I am a liar, but I think its past time to set things straight. The kid assumes too much, and Im finally sick and tired of it. I know my stuff, I have a degree from a well known uni in the field of film and digial media, a job and a life. He can attack it all he wants, but I really am tired of holding back.

I got that for 45 bucks, a week later the zipper broke...


Yes, pokemon bed spreads. I also have PM back packs, duffle bags, camera and alarm clocks. PM marbles. A mario phone, camera, back pack, books, movies, shows. Even with all that Nintendo, I still prefer PS games over Wii. I mean PS1 games.

I liked Nintendo before they recycled.

That kid should be banned, while he still has some dignity left here.
nice, I still have the original Zelda: OoC time promo tshirt. Nintendo was great in the past, love the original pocket monsters franchise, its just.. gone a bit wierd since then.

LoL do you remember when games like Breath of Fire 2 for the snes still went for you over a 100$ bucks. I was able to sell 4 rare snes rpgs for $600 right after I discovered emulation. Bye bye ff6, ff2, breath of fire 2..ect lol very profitable.
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Shiftfallout said:
nice, I still have the original Zelda: OoC time promo tshirt. Nintendo was great in the past, love the original pocket monsters franchise, its just.. gone a bit wierd since then.

LoL do you remember when games like Breath of Fire 2 for the snes still went for you over a 100$ bucks. I was able to sell 4 rare snes rpgs for $600 right after I discovered emulation. Bye bye ff6, ff2, breath of fire 2..ect lol very profitable.
Haha hell yea! Now i was looking around and all the NES/SNES games that used to be 50-100 are like 1-10. With all this emulation going on, demand is going down hill. I should have sold mine at the high point and bought them cheap later.
Without a Wiimote, there's not really much point getting it since it would basically be a slightly more powerful Gamecube. I still might have bought it for the Virtual Console, but I certainly wouldn't have bought it on launch. Although in retrospect, I probably wouldn't have bought the real thing on launch anyway if I'd known that I would go six months without buying any new games.

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