If the wii had no wiimote, would you have bought it?

Probably not. I've been out of the console market since the NES, so it took an awful lot pull me back in. I was probably never going to buy one of the other systems, because Nintendo's franchises are more my style (Zelda et al), and the Wii allows me to play every Zelda I've never gotten the chance to play (I'm sure majora's mask will be along soon).

I have the utmost hopes for the control system, and I think when the other fanboys see what we've got with the wii-mote nunchuck combo in FPS, they're going to start demanding a new FPS-special controller from their systems. Reviews have compared the accuracy of MP3C to the mouse-keyboard combo so beloved by FPS fans on the PC, but I think in addition to that, it's going to be a heck of a lot more fun. Mouse/keyboard might be accurate, but it isn't as true-to-life. Instead of measuring the dexterity of your fingers and familiarity with a gamepad vs. your buddies, FPS on the Wii could (someday...) let you really go head to head with them testing only your reflexes, skills and tactics.

People who never would have spent hours getting accustomed to the dozen button and dual-analog stick control will be happy to get in the game and just point and shoot. A lot of people who might be characterized as non-gamers might well get sucked into hardcore gaming, and with this control system, be good at it.

There were a lot of things that got me to buy the Wii, but if any one of them were lacking, especially the control system, I wouldn't have gotten it.
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Wiinter said:
Probably not. I've been out of the console market since the NES, so it took an awful lot pull me back in. I was probably never going to buy one of the other systems, because Nintendo's franchises are more my style (Zelda et al), and the Wii allows me to play every Zelda I've never gotten the chance to play (I'm sure majora's mask will be along soon).

I have the utmost hopes for the control system, and I think when the other fanboys see what we've got with the wii-mote nunchuck combo in FPS, they're going to start demanding a new FPS-special controller from their systems. Reviews have compared the accuracy of MP3C to the mouse-keyboard combo so beloved by FPS fans on the PC, but I think in addition to that, it's going to be a heck of a lot more fun. Mouse/keyboard might be accurate, but it isn't as true-to-life. Instead of measuring the dexterity of your fingers and familiarity with a gamepad vs. your buddies, FPS on the Wii could (someday...) let you really go head to head with them testing only your reflexes, skills and tactics.

People who never would have spent hours getting accustomed to the dozen button and dual-analog stick control will be happy to get in the game and just point and shoot. A lot of people who might be characterized as non-gamers might well get sucked into hardcore gaming, and with this control system, be good at it.

There were a lot of things that got me to buy the Wii, but if any one of them were lacking, especially the control system, I wouldn't have gotten it.

Totally agree - I've forever wondered why xbox and/or ps with their fps fan base never added a keyboard/mouse interface. Untill the wiimote - it is THE way to go for an fps. . . As for other console games/titles it seems they've hit critical mass to me. People are dropping huge $$ for a slightly bigger and prettier halo, but not much in the way of an experience. It looks like the wii has a chance to get some fresh ideas out - kinda what the pc did before it started to wither up as a gaming platform
I agree about the whole FPS thing. Analog sticks are so lame for looking around/aiming. My personal preference is a mouse that is controlled with the thumb (I think they are called trackballs). The wiimote works surprisingly well and it is a lot of fun to play FPS type games with it.
jcblough said:
It looks like the wii has a chance to get some fresh ideas out - kinda what the pc did before it started to wither up as a gaming platform

Good point. In the end, I see the Wii competing far more with the PC than with the other consoles. Despite the fact that those who PC game generally pride themselves on their high gfx rigs, one of the main attractions is the versatility of the control system. I cannot imagine bothering with RTS on any console, except the Wii. I play Advance Wars (Turn-based strategy) on my gameboy advance, and that's pretty much the only type of strategy game that works with the gamepad control system. Apparently CnC3 is coming to consoles, and there was a CnC title on the N64, but why bother? A root canal would be more fun.

The Wii-mote can not only do everything the mouse can, it can do more, better. (I imagine the DS touchscreen has similar potential) I look forward to seeing games that would have sucked on a console come to the Wii.
That's an excellent point! RTS games would work very well with the wiimote. Probably even better than a mouse.
swoop_ds said:
That's an excellent point! RTS games would work very well with the wiimote. Probably even better than a mouse.
no not a chance
it would be so hard to balance that thing
and considering there are plenty of RTSs with lengthy matches, youd probably get tired of holding it up
Haz said:
Would of bought it, as it is the only console that has Zelda.

Zelda being the only reason why I bought the Wii.

Gamecube, my friend. ^_^

And I definitely would not have bought it. That's the only reason I did, 'cause I thought it'd be extremely fun. And it was, for a little bit. But now, there are no good games so it's not-so-fun even with the Wiimote. I'm just waitin' for SSBB, Metroid, and Super Mario Galaxy.
Sovieto said:
no not a chance
it would be so hard to balance that thing
and considering there are plenty of RTSs with lengthy matches, youd probably get tired of holding it up

Well, yeah, if you can't afford a chair that has an armrest, sure... :wtf:

Kumoriken said:
But now, there are no good games so it's not-so-fun even with the Wiimote. I'm just waitin' for SSBB, Metroid, and Super Mario Galaxy.

Wiiconnect24 was pushed pretty strong on the console, and the promise of online capabilities loomed larger several months ago that it does now. If MP3C, as has been indicated, doesn't come with online functionality, I'm going to wish I had bought a DS instead of a Wii. At least they can shoot it up with Hunters. 4-player online isn't the best, but it's better than nothing.

For all the promise that Wiimote holds, it's still only potential. There's an execution challenge that hasn't been met yet. I'm a patient guy. But not infinitely patient.
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Way off topic, but I don't get the huge complaint about the no-online play. It is a novel idea, but fps tourneys get stale quick, I guess since I'm a former pc gamer, I've had my fill of on-line play. It caters more to total junkies and it isn't long before on-line is "broken" for anyone who actually leaves the house. I put in another thread, I'd like to see an online cross of animal crossing meets zelda - light but addictive. Why does the wii need another level grinder or shootem up we've all played for years?
jcblough said:
Why does the wii need another level grinder or shootem up we've all played for years?

To ask the question another way, why don't we have this many years old feature on a 7th gen console (yet)? I don't consider it 'novel', to me it's as basic a game requirement as your offline multiplayer was 20 years ago.

Trouble is, we haven't been playing Wii-style FPS way for years--to my view, the Wii still doesn't have one such game. What has the chance to make the the old FPS experience more enjoyable is, as I said in discussing it before, you're not testing your button mashing ability against your friends (or strangers), your really getting a different wiixperience.

However in my experience, even the PC/xbox version of those tourney's don't get old fast unless there's no one new to play against. A popular game with a great control system (one that you can learn and excel at) and environments (maybe even designable/downloadable maps) where you can recruit new opponents from 'round the world is going to add a year to the game's playability, at least. It's not going to be true for everybody, but that's certainly a big draw for me.

MP3C isn't worth a full 50$ to me without the online functionality. With it, it's worth far more.
Hell no, i think any1 who says they would buy it minus the Wiimote would be lying. The added bonus is its compatible with other joypads for ppl who prefer them. Like Griever there, ive always had a Playstation and will probably get the Ps3 when the price drops. But the Wii is tremendous fun nonetheless. I think the Wii will boom and Nintendo will be back in the game.

One other thing though, they need to start catering for the more mature gamer and bring out a few more serious titles.
Of course I would have! Considering the PS3 and 360 are too expensive and have no games that I want, and the Wii has many games that I want, I would've bought the Wii, remote or no remote. But without the wiimote, the Wii just wouldn't be the Wii ;)

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