i was a bit aggresive last night.......

Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
he was the one dissing me im sorry but im not gonna take it but anyways im sure i will get banned for this eventully but i cannt help it

If you can't help it, then how about unplugging your computer and reading a book? Have some self control please! Your explicit languages shows an apparent lack of control and this is not acceptable.
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coming from you.....

anyway i need a new book anybody know a good one except controloling temper for dummies?

brendo youre a good kid and although you are having personal issues, you shouldnt inflict them on the net. im dealing with enough "net drama" as a mod right now that i dont need everyone taking their personal issues and feelings here and making nothing but flame wars.

whatever it is brendo i hope you sort it out and if you want to talk to me, im around. in the mean time, try to seperate reality from VIRTUAL reality ok?
Haz said:
DaVinci Code is a wonderful read. I would also suggest the Alex Cross novels by James Patterson.

Are wii now going obout books
Thanks for apologising for last night, hopefully wii_cammy will do the same after his torrent of abuse at me both on the forum and via PM.

However you need to stop taking things to seriously, you flew off the handle at the slightest baiting from a user earlier in the thread when the easiest option would be to ignore him/her and not rise to it. As he said a bit more self control is needed.
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yeah i need books.haz i have seen da vinci code the film would it be worth reading the book?
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
yeah i need books.haz i have seen da vinci code the film would it be worth reading the book?

I've not seen the film purely on the basis that my house mate last year did an he said it was so disappointing (he has previously read the book). So you may find that you are trying to compare the film to the book and won't appreciate it as much. However you may be able to get over the difference........

As ones personal imagination is so vastly different from any film director, I always end up with a sense of disappointment when I see a film that has come from a book I have read.
Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy

Book will change how you think
Haz said:
I've not seen the film purely on the basis that my house mate last year did an he said it was so disappointing (he has previously read the book). So you may find that you are trying to compare the film to the book and won't appreciate it as much. However you may be able to get over the difference........

As ones personal imagination is so vastly different from any film director, I always end up with a sense of disappointment when I see a film that has come from a book I have read.
The whole reason I won't read it. Saw the film and it literally was dreadful IMO, it got a lot of hype for no reason before it was released, kinda spoils things I suppose.

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