So I just played against #1 last night


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2007
I was playing online ranked matches last night when I came across an opponent whose name looked familiar. At first I thought it was just someone I already played against, but while I was choosing my captain I realized it was actually the 'striker of the day'. After choosing my team and seeing the stats screen again sure enough his rank was #1.

Now first of all I want to know in what ranked matchmaking system, on what planet, ever, does someone ranked #two-thousand-something with 11 wins and 22 losses get paired up against someone ranked #one with three-hundred-something wins and twenty-something losses.

Anyway, I was tossed aside like nothing. I pretty much didn't even get to play. It was like someone walked up to me before the game and said "Oh let me take that remote from you, you won't need it... oh I have to tie your hands behind your back and suspend you from the ceiling with these fishhooks in your ears...ok I think you're ready to play...oh wait I forgot to gag you with this pineapple."

His ball possession both games was something like 92%, I had 0 shots on net both games, and both games I lost 0-10. This match made me never want to play this game again during those games, but I still didn't give up or leave the match. Why? Because he was the only person I played against all night who had a smooth connection. I was sick of playing games where 0.1 seconds of in-game time was about 35 seconds of real-time.

Anyway /rant off. Anyone have any similar stories, or thoughts on the ranked matchmaking system, or the lag?
I've played with #one few times too. I have to brag a bit and tell you that I won each one of them, hehe.

You shouldn't get mad at losing to a better player, always see it as an opportunity to learn something new from them. Watch how they play and copy their tricks.
unska said:
I've played with #one few times too. I have to brag a bit and tell you that I won each one of them, hehe.

You shouldn't get mad at losing to a better player, always see it as an opportunity to learn something new from them. Watch how they play and copy their tricks.
Good point and advice, but there's still the matter that he was matched up against the number 1 player of the day when he was...well, significantly lower in position than that. Isn't the point of ranked matches to gradually work your way up through the standings? It's like if at the beginning of Ocarina of Time; no sword, no shield, no anything; you found a glitch that forced you into the final battle against Ganon. You skip everything to the finale with no hope of pulling through it.
Personally I like the system. It's great to play against such a huge variety of players, you get to see players with very different styles and learn from them. Sometimes you I beat up a #1 player and sometimes I lose to a 20/80 player.
Also, the rankings usually don't mean anything. So many people disconnect.
hey guys,
thats a gd point i rekon, u should be paired randomly amd gain new tactics and learn from mistakes. you should never disconnect though... why ?
because its annoying for the other player and you get a loss in your stats and o some occasions you het 50 points deducted from your points i your stats too ! so you shouldnt do it really. happy gaming !!!

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