I need friends! Please add me

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the_peripheral said:
Hey, me and X have a chat room that I made...if you want to join in on a chat with us sometime, just let me know. It's not goin on right now cuz he's doing some school ****, but I'll let you know if you're on and it's open if you want.
yeah iam in on the chat room thing :thumbsup:
FRuMMaGe said:
What is the first game that will be online for the Wii? It's the Pokemon one isn't it?

As far as i know...but elebits does use Wiiconnect24 to trade edited levels.
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Khool-Ade said:
I just think it will take a little time before we start to get our Wii-friendships in place...i mean you can tell here you like and who you would want to play games with..then there are those that you wouldn't want to be caught dead with.

P.S. speaking of Elebits have you messed with any levels. i havent played it alot but if you have any edited levels you should send me a one or so

P.P.S. Yeah man i do want to be apart of that chat...i mostly only use my comp at work but i do have one at home...if you have msn you guys should add me.

Elebits. I'm not sure we have that one in England yet. Is it worth buying though when we do get it though? I've seen it in Nintendo Magazine and it looks pretty addictive.
Khool-Ade said:
I just think it will take a little time before we start to get our Wii-friendships in place...i mean you can tell here you like and who you would want to play games with..then there are those that you wouldn't want to be caught dead with.

P.S. speaking of Elebits have you messed with any levels. i havent played it alot but if you have any edited levels you should send me a one or so

Have you added me on your Wii? Cuz I don't know if I've added you. I might have, but like I said, I've added so many people that I have no idea who they are that it's difficult for me to keep track of who I have and haven't added.

And to reply, I haven't created any levels, but I have received a level that was created that I could send you if you want it?
yeah we are totally added...i think i did it this weekend. yeah sure if you want send it over i would like to see how it works...oh and and who is it from if thats not too much of a secret.
Khool-Ade said:
yeah we are totally added...i think i did it this weekend. yeah sure if you want send it over i would like to see how it works...oh and and who is it from if thats not too much of a secret.

Their Wii username is Warlock, but I think their name on the forum is different.
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SpideyKonfusion said:
......get a ****in life n00b.

First you create a stupid spam thread, and now you're spamming up the spam thread.


-SpideyKonfusion -__-'

Look what is your problem? I'm just trying to be friendly. You don't have to like me, but I would have expected you to at least try and be civil.

Oh and by the way:
Post Count: 229
Join Date: November 2006

Looks like somebody else needs to get a life.
FRuMMaGe said:
Look what is your problem? I'm just trying to be friendly. You don't have to like me, but I would have expected you to at least try and be civil.

You're right, I don't like you.

I was trying to be civil. Then I read your first post :p

-SpideyKonfusion :ciappa:

EDIT: oh noz! i have a lot of posts in +1 month of being here? that means I have no life right?

Good job on making yourself look like more of an idiot. I was right to discard the civility when I read that first post :p
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SpideyKonfusion said:
no fighting. i mearly teach. stop being stupid frummage.

-SpideyKonfusion :p

Look, all I'm saying here is that i came to this forum in the hopes of talking to some mature people and getting some friend codes, instead i found a forum full of people trying to make "n00bs" feel bad about themselves. If you truely do think someone is a "n00b", then you should try to help them, not crush them. Everyone was a "n00b" once.

PS. I'm writing "n00b" in speech marks because it is a term used only to bring people down.
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