I need friends! Please add me

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I think I'm going to pretty much clear out most of the people out of my friends list...because I don't know any of them, and none of us talk at all. Just adding random people is kinda stupid.
FRuMMaGe said:
Ok why does everyone in this forum like to flame me just because i want to be friends?

1) Youre a stupid n00b
2) You didn't use the search function so you wouldnt have...
3) Posted a topic thats appeared over and over again here
4) Made yourself look like an idiot

I have to say, the first post of this topic was different from the other idiots, there may be some hope for you yet.

-SpideyKonfusion :p
Periph Dude i totally agree in fact i made a comment about that in the Mii profile thread. its sorta hard to decide who you really want on your Wii friends until you get to know people here more and actually get a chance to play games.
SpideyKonfusion said:
1) Youre a stupid n00b
2) You didn't use the search function so you wouldnt have...
3) Posted a topic thats appeared over and over again here
4) Made yourself look like an idiot

I have to say, the first post of this topic was different from the other idiots, there may be some hope for you yet.

-SpideyKonfusion :p

You hit the nail right on the head. Except for the last sentence you wrote. The first post of this topic is the exact same thing that every other new idiot writes. They all want new friends, and they keep making new threads about how they want new friends....even though there is a massive thread with like 1000 replies with tons and tons and tons of friend codes.
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Yeah i removed the first part of my post because some people here seemed think i was trying to be arrogant. I'm really not, i'm just trying to get some friend codes. Sorry if i seemed like a dick.

And the reason i started a new post despite there being many others around is because i was unaware that there was a PM system here so any mass friend code thread would probably be useless.
Khool-Ade said:
Periph Dude i totally agree in fact i made a comment about that in the Mii profile thread. its sorta hard to decide who you really want on your Wii friends until you get to know people here more and actually get a chance to play games.

Yeah, honestly, I don't know how many friends I have on my Wii...a bunch, and I only actually talk to ONE of them. The rest of the people, other than the couple that have Elebits, are useless to me because I don't know them, I don't talk to them, so what's the freaking point of having them on my Wii, you know?
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Khool-Ade said:
Periph Dude i totally agree in fact i made a comment about that in the Mii profile thread. its sorta hard to decide who you really want on your Wii friends until you get to know people here more and actually get a chance to play games.

What is the first game that will be online for the Wii? It's the Pokemon one isn't it?
the_peripheral said:
You hit the nail right on the head. Except for the last sentence you wrote. The first post of this topic is the exact same thing that every other new idiot writes. They all want new friends, and they keep making new threads about how they want new friends....even though there is a massive thread with like 1000 replies with tons and tons and tons of friend codes.

Woa, he edited it X_X. I don't know what for...but he did... o_o

but yea, sorry I didn't explain more. I meant that he didnt sound like a COMPLETE imbecile, his grammar and spelling were nice. :p

-SpideyKonfusion :p
Khool-Ade said:
Does any one want to be my friend? :D

Hey, me and X have a chat room that I made...if you want to join in on a chat with us sometime, just let me know. It's not goin on right now cuz he's doing some school ****, but I'll let you know if you're on and it's open if you want.
I just think it will take a little time before we start to get our Wii-friendships in place...i mean you can tell here you like and who you would want to play games with..then there are those that you wouldn't want to be caught dead with.

P.S. speaking of Elebits have you messed with any levels. i havent played it alot but if you have any edited levels you should send me a one or so

P.P.S. Yeah man i do want to be apart of that chat...i mostly only use my comp at work but i do have one at home...if you have msn you guys should add me.
SpideyKonfusion said:
Woa, he edited it X_X. I don't know what for...but he did... o_o

but yea, sorry I didn't explain more. I meant that he didnt sound like a COMPLETE imbecile, his grammar and spelling were nice. :p

-SpideyKonfusion :p

It's always nice to see beautiful grammar and spelling. Sadly, for me it doesn't matter how good their spelling and grammar is if they make topics like this...I write them off of my list of smart people immediately.
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