I need friends! Please add me

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the_peripheral said:
Flaming somebody doesn't prove that you're more intelligent than them. But when somebody can't open their eyes to see that a million different threads have been made about the exact same thing that they are writing about, and they still do it, it just makes this place a horrible place to be and it proves that some people are just stupid.

I have been told this many times and each time I reply that i am aware there are many threads for this, but they take a long time for anyone to add you on them. I just wanted to get some friend codes quickly so i had people to talk to on the Wii. I'm very sorry for being a complete arsehole about it.
FRuMMaGe said:
I have been told this many times and each time I reply that i am aware there are many threads for this, but they take a long time for anyone to add you on them. I just wanted to get some friend codes quickly so i had people to talk to on the Wii. I'm very sorry for being a complete arsehole about it.

You will someday be forgiven. For now, the wound is too deep.

Please learn from this experience, though. And maybe someday, somehow, I'll actually be nice to you.
Oh and by the way, if you just joined today, you're on pace to hit 600 posts by this time next month. So don't say that somebody with 200 or more posts has no life because they post a lot. It doesn't take long for the posts to add up.
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I know. I wasn't planning on staying on the forum, i just wanted to get some Wii friends quick.:nonod:
Wow alot has happened in the time it took me to go to the seventh layer of hell(walmart 6 shopping days away from x-mas), get home from work and get high. I would say yes FRuMMaGe you did mess up pretty bad and **** it happens to the rest of us. People get caught up in the moment and start getting "hungry" and rip you to shreds, but thats not necessarily Model behavior either.

I know. I wasn't planning on staying on the forum, i just wanted to get some Wii friends quick.

But i think this statement has caused the forums to do exactly what it wasn't meant for. The whole reason I found this place was because I love my Wii and i wanted to be a part of the community that is such. The whole reason this place exists is that we can become friends and play together. If you just grabbed a few friend codes and split it would really dampen the experience of the Wii. I would say a few of us are guilty of your current attitude but i urge you not to leave and just think and SEARCH before you post any threads.

And welcome to Wiichat.com <(o.o<) <(o.o)> (>o.o)> Go Kirby! Go Kirby! Its you birfday!
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(>'-')> Go Kirby indeed!

And I didn't mean i was going to split, I just meant i wanted to get some friend codes so i could talk to people on the Wii, I havn't had a chance to try out the messaging system yet. I didn't word the statement very well, sorry.
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