I need a wii can somebody give me advice

Ineedawii said:
Please HELP me i need the wii its so FUN:sad:

Call every single store that might sell a wii such as: walmart,best buy, circuit city,eb gamess, gamestop, costco,sams club. All the stores that sell video games and game systems. is it that hard to try? Today i called my local circuit city and found out they are selling on sunday. wiiseeker said they had 15-132, so im gonna try to get one. i want one baaaad too so just hang in there and dont give up lol.
Ineedawii said:
Please HELP me i need the wii its so FUN:sad:

If you really wanted it, you can get it. There are many places to buy it now. INCLUDING EBAY. Depends on how bad you really want it ><
I almost already bought it, the problem is that is going to get to my hands like on monday or saturday.
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but for real i call the stores that u told me nothing happen they send we dont know might b somewhere next week

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