I know your lame Because?

Walk teh uber 1337 plankz0r, m4t3y!!

I know your lame because you didn't do what the thread is about!

... move on.

*pokes you with my finger*

EDIT: BAHAHAHAHAHHA, I just noticed I said "keep an eye/ear out for someone coming near by? :p" and then I posted a picture of a pirate with an eyepatch on... oh man, I'm hilarious.
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Hurst said:
wow! kaze you have figured me out, im a 12 year old clown, with an anal fetish! yes sir you have really got me pegged. i really liked the part about the elementary football thing, classic. "Geek meat" you can use that if you like, no one owns the rights to it. "I know your lame because a bigger man would accept the apology and move on" :frown2: where does this get us, nothing can be proved, why even bother. honestly I would be more than happy to pay for you a ticket out here, so the matter can be settled. until then drop it!

You're just an idiot, simple as that. First you try to make a threat via saying you wish to get me a ticket so you can see me. Whether that's a threat or sexual orientation, I don't know and I think we should keep it that way. Everything has been dropped, you proved to be an idiot, therefore my point has been proven.

hey guys, stop it! dont be so hard on KAZE now! hes going through some things.you see, when you grow up in a abusive household you tend to lash out on those closest to you. KAMIZAE is just venting. KAZE, man we are here for you, brother! we are a family and we take care of each other. If you ever wanna talk my phone number is in my profile, or you can call CPS at (1- 800- 422- 4453) they are available 24/7. give him time guys.......soon.... he will be back to that loveable little guy we remember.

Oh the irony of it all! And of course an assumption of my personal life by the way you get made fun of on this forum? It's Kamikaze, not Kamizae or Kaze, once you're able to even spell my username correctly, maybe then you will be able to be taken seriously in a conversation. And who the hell would put their own personal phone number within their profile? Here, I'll make an assumption about you, since you did so upon me: The reason you leave your number on the internet is simply for internet pleasures and so forth. You think that a cyber handjob can satisfy your needs, well then so be it. You can keep up with the patrinizing, but that means this conversation that we shall continue to have will only surface into more of a heated debate. :)
Kamikaze said:
You're just an idiot, simple as that. First you try to make a threat via saying you wish to get me a ticket so you can see me. Whether that's a threat or sexual orientation, I don't know and I think we should keep it that way. Everything has been dropped, you proved to be an idiot, therefore my point has been proven.

Oh the irony of it all! And of course an assumption of my personal life by the way you get made fun of on this forum? It's Kamikaze, not Kamizae or Kaze, once you're able to even spell my username correctly, maybe then you will be able to be taken seriously in a conversation. And who the hell would put their own personal phone number within their profile? Here, I'll make an assumption about you, since you did so upon me: The reason you leave your number on the internet is simply for internet pleasures and so forth. You think that a cyber handjob can satisfy your needs, well then so be it. You can keep up with the patrinizing, but that means this conversation that we shall continue to have will only surface into more of a heated debate. :)

YOUR LAME BECAUSE YOU HAVE A PENGUIN AS A AVATAR...............oh wait bad time lol
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Kedarshashi said:
i know ur lame cause ur blue :p

i know your lame because You "work down the street at McJimmies":)
(in his profile)

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