I know your lame Because?

Hurst said:
as bland as my sex life!? now see thats not fair, when me and your mom starting dating she never mentioned that she was into threesomes, its not my fault, i just think what me and your mom do in the bedroom is private. how could you kamikaze! how could you!:sad:

You are about as funny as Jerry Seinfeld, and trust me, that's no compliment.
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  • #19
Kamikaze said:
The arguement had been about his lack of intelligence.

you know what, geek meat! Im not going to play this game with you. we can go back and forth all day about how dumb i am and how loose ive made you mother (sorry I couldnt resist), but it doesnt prove anything, they are just words. so until your in California or Im your town, then we cant really prove anything. so in conclusion, I hurst concede defeat, and do apologize for insulting the greatest movie you have ever seen and also for posting in the wrong forum. Im done. period. understand though, In a forum you can be what ever you want, on the gridIron, I will Put you in your place. Matter resolved. So folks! how bout dem wiis?
Hurst said:
you know what, geek meat! Im not going to play this game with you. we can go back and forth all day about how dumb i am and how loose ive made you mother (sorry I couldnt resist), but it doesnt prove anything, they are just words. so until your in California or Im your town, then we cant really prove anything. so in conclusion, I hurst concede defeat, and do apologize for insulting the greatest movie you have ever seen and also for posting in the wrong forum. Im done. period. understand though, In a forum you can be what ever you want, on the gridIron, I will Put you in your place. Matter resolved. So folks! how bout dem wiis?

That was great, I gotta give one for ya on that.
Hey Kamikaze - if the thread bothers you, why post in it?

As far as I can tell, you are just coming into this thread and crapping over the OP for no reason. Why? Bad day?
Hurst said:
you know what, geek meat! Im not going to play this game with you. we can go back and forth all day about how dumb i am and how loose ive made you mother (sorry I couldnt resist), but it doesnt prove anything, they are just words. so until your in California or Im your town, then we cant really prove anything. so in conclusion, I hurst concede defeat, and do apologize for insulting the greatest movie you have ever seen and also for posting in the wrong forum. Im done. period. understand though, In a forum you can be what ever you want, on the gridIron, I will Put you in your place. Matter resolved. So folks! how bout dem wiis?

Geek meat? You must be 12, because that has to be one of the most idiotic insults I have heard within a long time. You're calling yourself dumb, and I'm glad you clarified that with everyone on the forum. As for mother insults, once again, you don't have any pubic hair, and yet you're talking about sexual insults...ironic isn't it? As for the greatest movie? You're the one who had made a thread about it, so once again, you continue to contradict yourself in so many ways and forms. If you're done, then leave the forums, period. So since you can be "what ever you want", that must make you a transvestite, a pedophile dressed as a clown and especially someone that shoves stuff up their ass. It is the internet, so I guess you can choose upon those three of which you wish to be. You play elementary school football, and yet you think you're some big threat. So just leave the forums and this argument to avoid any further humiliation.
Kamikaze said:
Geek meat? You must be 12, because that has to be one of the most idiotic insults I have heard within a long time. You're calling yourself dumb, and I'm glad you clarified that with everyone on the forum. As for mother insults, once again, you don't have any pubic hair, and yet you're talking about sexual insults...ironic isn't it? As for the greatest movie? You're the one who had made a thread about it, so once again, you continue to contradict yourself in so many ways and forms. If you're done, then leave the forums, period. So since you can be "what ever you want", that must make you a transvestite, a pedophile dressed as a clown and especially someone that shoves stuff up their ass. It is the internet, so I guess you can choose upon those three of which you wish to be. You play elementary school football, and yet you think you're some big threat. So just leave the forums and this argument to avoid any further humiliation.
Dude, he gave up you win. Kick him while he's down why don't you. Someones having a bad day. Wii not working?
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  • #24
wow! kaze you have figured me out, im a 12 year old clown, with an anal fetish! yes sir you have really got me pegged. i really liked the part about the elementary football thing, classic. "Geek meat" you can use that if you like, no one owns the rights to it. "I know your lame because a bigger man would accept the apology and move on" :frown2: where does this get us, nothing can be proved, why even bother. honestly I would be more than happy to pay for you a ticket out here, so the matter can be settled. until then drop it!
Kamikaze said:
You must be 12

You seem to be the one acting immature.

Kamikaze said:
You're calling yourself dumb, and I'm glad you clarified that with everyone on the forum.

Yet you are the one making a fool of yourself.

Kamikaze said:
So just leave the forums and this argument to avoid any further humiliation.

There certainly is humiliation going on, but it's not his.

Dude - chill out, you started it with him for no reason. If you are so much superior in age and maturity, prove it.
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  • #27
hey guys, stop it!:nono: dont be so hard on KAZE now! hes going through some things.you see, when you grow up in a abusive household you tend to lash out on those closest to you. KAMIZAE is just venting. KAZE, man we are here for you, brother! we are a family and we take care of each other. If you ever wanna talk my phone number is in my profile, or you can call CPS at (1- 800- 422- 4453) they are available 24/7. give him time guys.......soon.... he will be back to that loveable little guy we remember.
Guys, as my duty on the Internetz to be a 24/7 Internet Pirate I am now going to hi-jack this thread back onto what its suppose to be about.

I know your lame because you hit someone with a remote... seriously, is it that hard not to look around and keep an eye/ear out for someone coming near by? :p

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  • #29
Wattle said:
Guys, as my duty on the Internetz to be a 24/7 Internet Pirate I am now going to hi-jack this thread back onto what its suppose to be about.

I know your lame because you hit someone with a remote... seriously, is it that hard not to look around and keep an eye/ear out for someone coming near by? :p


thank you ,matey for getting us back on topic. but........you know how i know your lame? because pirates arrrrrrrr for halloween and its only 1/4/07 :O lol

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