I hope this is a joke...

zurukea said:
Its horrible, Its burns, destroy it now or the world shall end. It looks like a flash game from addictingcrap.com or somthing (not sure if that site exists, just makiing fun of addicting games buT dOn'T Go there, cause i NEVER tested it)

I agree. A 4 year old could create a game with better graphics.
vi3tmix said:
Nah, developing a game with those graphics would take more than what they did...

Ya'll do realize it's an arcade game that this is an arcade game, right? They're simply taking age old arcade game shooters and getting them ported over (as they're doing with the House of the Dead games as well).

Port or not, it doesn't take TOO long to update the graphics.

I think we as Wii owners deserve that much.

People already use the Wii graphics as a negative when speaking of it. Why give them more ammo?

Developers should take PRIDE in their work.
Wulf said:
I agree. A 4 year old could create a game with better graphics.

Better yet, a 4-year-old would have the sense to be ashamed of releasing a game that looks like that.

I mean I understand people who look at this straight up as a business...but releasing something of this caliber gives no indication to future employers (I say future because there's no way you could hold your current job long doing stuff like this) that you have any ambition to improve.
zatono said:
I put about 5 seconds of thought into this, but here's a shot. Maybe it's gonna be a downloadable game off the wii market thingy?
Thats a possibilty, but it still looks like crap even for Wiiware. Some of the virtual console games look better than this.
I have the Wii and the Xbox 360 the XBOX is so much better just because it has better games. LIke Call of Duty 4, and Games like that . And all of the EA series games.
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I think these developers have no nuts! The wii could represent a challenge to them, a platform on which they could show their true skills as a games developer! Yes it would prove more difficult to make a good game for the wii with good graphics, but I know it can be done. It can be done with art direction and style, look at Okami for the PS2. Look at Metroid for the wii and now look at Super Mario Galaxy! Good games CAN be made for the wii, DESPITE the fact that is vastly underpowered compared to the 360 and the PS3! Them saying it is too weak to be taken seriously is nothing but an excuse in my book!

I ask again, where is the pride in their work? Do they care anymore about their craft, or are they just out for the money?

PS. I have a theory as to why this is happening:
I notice that most game developers see the wii as a kids toy and thus make games aimed at kids that comprise little effort and story, while the other two gaming platforms are seen as real gaming machines aimed at adults and thus they get quality games for them.

I have seen many posts on gaming sites and forums, deriding the wii as a toy, some don't even consider it a true gaming console. This attitude is refected in the low quality of games made for it, and now this preception is self sustaining. It is allway judged in comparision to the PS3 and 360.

I used to beleves and hope that this negative preception will change, but now I ain't so sure anymore....

Budo said:
You see that XBOX360? Yea, you like that?! Now who wins?!


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