I hope this is a joke...

omg, i think i played that game in an arcade once.
Who cares if it is real, just a crappy 3rd party port, weve seen a few already.
I put about 5 seconds of thought into this, but here's a shot. Maybe it's gonna be a downloadable game off the wii market thingy?
Oh cmon, this is one piece of crap, compared to a whole year of games. We have brawl, mario kart wii, sonic riders, and a bunch of other kickass games. Brawl could make a whole year good by itself, and I bet we'll have some other awesome stuff too.

Don't let this discourage you from a whole year of awesome gaming.
What are you guys talking about? I'm buying two.
oh the humanity!

those graphics are horrible!

and its from konami, the good people who gave us the metal gear series.!

nintendo and konami should be embarresed, that game should be moved to a wii ware for a low price of 5 cents to free
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T3kNi9e said:
Lol funny... Konami makes MGS4 for PS3 and makes ****-on-a-Stick for the Wii...

Remember one of our discussions about how developers see the wii? THIS is a prime example of that!
laderer5 said:
i've seen that::lol:
But that looks like low gamecube or Playstation graphics.
C'mon is this how much effort 3rd parties are putting in now...(excluding a few)

Nah, developing a game with those graphics would take more effort than what they did...

Ya'll do realize it's an arcade game that this is simply a port of that, right? Seems to be a trend lately simply taking age old arcade game shooters and getting them ported over (as they're doing with the House of the Dead games as well).
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You know, most of us didn't buy a Wii for the graphics.

Most Wii owners are just looking for fun, interactive and innovative games.

But come on, this goes beyond bad graphics. Not only does it scream lazy, but it really is a slap in the face to Wii owners. As if we don't deserve to have the time involved it would take to make a decent looking game on the Wii. And we have seen, games CAN be decent looking.

Best thing we as consumers can do is speak with our wallets. If this game doesn't sell well at all, hopefully it will send a message of "yeah, we aren't PRIMARILY concerned with graphics as Wii owners, but they do mean SOMETHING!".

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