I have a question about receiving mail.


The worst "usernamer"
Feb 7, 2008
Wii Online Code
It's may be stupid to ask, but I must ask.

First of all, my Wii is conncted to the internet. When I turn off my console, there is a yellow light. After only a few hours, the wii becomes very hot.

I do know however that if you hold the power button for a few seconds, it will turn off the console making the light red.

It may be a stupid question. But if you have the Wii off (with the red light), can you still receive mail from your Wii friends and they get posted on your message board? Technically, WiiConnect24 would be off...but I'm not sure if you would still receive mail or not.

But please answer.
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you cannot receive mail with the red light status.. only the amber standby status.

does this help?
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Ya it does really help. How can you keep a wii cool with it wiiconnect24 on though?
I always have my Wii on Standby, and it never gets that hot nor overheats.
As long as you have your Wii set in a good place (not on carpets, floor etc.) it will be fine.

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