WII online

Kathi F

WiiChat Member
Apr 20, 2009
I have my WII online but for some reason the console will not turn off. When I try to turn it off, I get a yellow light instead of a red one. Does the console have to stay on once you set it up to get online?
No, the console does NOT have to stay on. But that means that WiiConnect 24 is running, so your console can get updates while in a stand by state. I think I read if you hold in the power button for a few seconds, it will turn red and shut off. Or you can go into options and turn off WiiConnect 24. I jsut leave it on, I dig the updates for news and weather...
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Thank you. I wanted to make sure I wasn't messing anything up. Good to know.
what he said is right however i dont leave mine on for long periods of time because when its on the system fans turn off and the wii can get extreamly hot inside. also if you turn your wii on and turn connect24 back on if you wait a little while the weather updates,messages,and news all come back you just dont get them instantly as you would if it was on standby. i keep mine off when im not playing cus i hear about people whos wiis have broken from their wiis overheating
what he said is right however i dont leave mine on for long periods of time because when its on the system fans turn off and the wii can get extreamly hot inside. also if you turn your wii on and turn connect24 back on if you wait a little while the weather updates,messages,and news all come back you just dont get them instantly as you would if it was on standby. i keep mine off when im not playing cus i hear about people whos wiis have broken from their wiis overheating

I read the news on there a lot... If I turn off WiiConnect 24, and do it like you mention, there is never anything in the tech section, which is my favorite part... Or if there is, only 2 or 3 items. If I leave WiiConnect 24 on, it's nearly full. It's like the on/off method misses info that it would of normally received, and only gets the most recent update.

I think the people that had their console overheat, that you "hear about" must have it sitting in an enclosed cabinet, or the vents blocked, or something... My WiiConnect 24 has been on since day one, over a year and a half ago...
all i care about is the weather really and that data gets to the wii pretty quick and idk if it would over heat or not but im just not risking it
all i care about is the weather really and that data gets to the wii pretty quick and idk if it would over heat or not but im just not risking it

i'm the same way with the paranoia of overheating. i actually unplug my wii when i'm done playing. if i need to update info, i'll do an update and wait a few minutes. and i love getting the 5-day forecast for places like easter island.
As long as you've got decent ventilation around your Wii, there should not be a heat problem. I've had WiiConnect24 on since November 2006 and have no problems. After all, it was designed to be active 24 hours a day.
Thanks Skippy, that's the point I was trying to make.

People also gotta remember, the Wii isn't a 360 or PS3, it doesn't have all the chips and stuff those two machines have internally, it doesn't generate heat like those two do. The Wii is a lot closer to the last gen consoles, as far as the internal parts go, than the newer consoles, and as such, just doesn't have all the hardware heat issues.

I've got a friend who bought a Wii they day they were released in the U.S. he's never unplugged it, and he's never turned off the WiiConnect 24. He's also never had a heat related problem. I think the people who may of had heat issues, simply didn't give the console space to allow for proper ventilation. It's just not a device that gets that warm if you give it room to get air...

I've played my console for most of a full day a few times, and even then, it never gets hot. So if it's not overheating while playing games, I seriously doubt it's going to overheat while it's just sitting there. Fan running or not, it's downloading data, IF it's doing anything at all. No disc. No Game. No video. Nothing but sitting there and MAYBE downloading some data for the news or whatever...

Nothing to cause it to overheat.

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