I am writting a Research paper on Super Mario galaxy, give me ur input pls!


More questions are fine. I generally do not answer until this time but i log on here every night so ask away!
If we have some suggestions for questions can we post them up for you?

Don't want to mess up your thread so I thought I would ask before I posted anything.

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  • #33
If any of you feel like you would like to share anything for which i have not asked, by all means please share your thoughts.....the more info I get the greater sense I get.:cool:
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  • #34
hope to hear your take on my questions.....the wider the age range the better!
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  • #35
okay, uuumm i'm pretty bummed my thread got moved but hopefully I'll get a few more hits.....and i'm pretty "new" and the forum thing, so can anyone explain what a triple post means? I read you get banned if you do this, so did i just triple post?...i feel like such a nerd, so please be gentle with your answers...:scared: .....anyways I wanted to present some new questions for those who would like to answer:

Here are some basic questions that i should of asked first:

1. Can you give me a brief synopsis of SMG? What is the main goal?

2. did you reserve your copy, or purchased it after its release?

3. How much would you say you spend on games monthly (average)?

More in-depth questions:

1.Many of you obviously have played many previous Mario games. Besides the games and consoles, do you collect Mario memorabilia in general? If you do what does this collection represent for you?

2. Nostalgia seems to be a significant factor in why many are purchasing SMG, and why many continue to support the whole Super Mario Franchise. do you think Mario's impact in the gaming world would have been as significant to you if it would have first appeared now?

3. Does it bother you that many recent wii games, such as SMG, are being aimed to a wider audience, and not just the hard core gamer?

4. Do you see yourself still playing video games in the next 20-30yrs? Do you think gaming will become a more acceptable "adult" leisure activity in the future? why or why not?

5. Please describe how you feel when playing SMG? do you prefer playing alone or in grops?

6. Can you please explain what gameplay is? (this is a more curious question, many of you have said the gameplay is great, what exaclty is it? excuse me in advance if im a little slow, but i really do want to learn!:yesnod:

Hi again newgirl,

First off i have no idea what a triple post is either, don't do much of this forum thing myself so no worries about me 'flaming' you. Is that the correct term? Anyway on with the questions..

1. The main goal of SMG is, like most Mario games, to rescue princess peach (or toadstool) who rules over the mushroom kingdom (where most of Mario's adventures take place - quite why he hangs around here or where it is supposed to be related to our dimension i do not know!). The princess has once again been kidnapped by the evil Bowser - a big lizard type thing that regularly kidnaps here for no real good reason. This time Bowser transports her entire palace into the centre of the universe while Mario, in a bid to stop this happening, gets thrown into deep space. Mario awakens on a small planetoid and basically meets this space fairy type woman who grants him the power to travel in space. This woman lives in her observatory that travels to the planet the mushroom kingdom is on every 100 years. When bowser stole the princess he also managed to disrupt all the power stars that power the observatory. Mario takes it upon himself to retiree these stars which are now strewn across various galaxies. Mario needs to get enough stars to power the observatory so he can use it to travel to the centre of the universe and rescue the princess and thwart bowser.

The different galaxies have different themes (lava galaxy, toy galaxy etc) and Mario must traverse around them (coping with shifting gravity and a number of beasties out to stop him) and perform tasks as it were (defeat various bosses, traverse a particularly nasty lava galaxy, race a shark, surf around a water based course on a stingray etc etc)to get the stars. Once Mario collects 60 stars he has enough to power the observatory. There are 120 stars to collect in total and completists will wan to do this. This then does something which encourages you to play it all through again and then you can receive the secret 121st star and truly complete the game.

2.I was not in my home town upon release day so i reserved it a couple of days before and got on release day (i needn't have reserved as there were many copies available but i didn't want to take the risk being in a strange town and all.

3. Money is a bit tight at the moment so i prob get one wii game and one ds game a month. Generally get them cheaper than RRP via the internet or certain shops so i probably spend about £50. This is approx $90? Not sure on the exchange rate at the moment.

IN depth questions...

1.I have the odd bit of Mario memorabilia, a lot of it is the odd keyring free with magazines however i went out of my way to get an exclusive Japanese set of stylus' for my DS which are Mario themed, i have a remote control Mario kart and that is about it, the majority of my faming memorabilia is retro items (an old NES (first Nintendo console) joypad style keyring, pacman things etc - retro gaming is big at the mo). I wouldn't really say my collection represented much - just that i am a fan. Gaming has always been a part of my life - especially Nintendo and Mario and as such i pick this things up to show my love of the genre. i don't specifically display these, they just are dotted about my room (my film memorabilia however is on proud display 0 but i digress).

2- Great question. Being brought up with Mario must influence me on some level however i think it is fair to say that Mario really defined the platform genre back in the 80s and reinvented it in the 90's (96?) when Mario 64 moved the genre to 3d gaming. Many other games have tried to reproduce this quality but for most part have failed.

Sonic the hedgehog appeared not long after Mario and they were always considered rivals back when i was young (how things change - now they appear in games to gether - this would never have been believed by fans even ten years ago). Sonic still remains close to people - possibly off the back of Mario's stardom however recent characters - Crash Bandicoot, Jax and Daxter etc (other platform stars) have not really got the same effect. This may be because they cannot compete with Mario's strong hold on the genre or maybe they just aren't as good games. Generally i think that if Mario games appeared now, assuming the quality was as high as Nintendo always puts out, they would definitely still appeal as they are fantastic games. It is strange that the largest and most loved character in gaming history is a fat short Italian plumber - something must be going for him, i think it is the gaming. Original, and superb. Long live Mario!

3. I mentioned din the previous questions that my main problem with SMG was the linearity of it. This 'hand holding' takes it away from me slightly. In general the Wiis success has been largely to the attraction it has received form the casual gamer and indeed the non gamer ( parents, grandparents, women (not being sexist but they are a minority in the gaming world) and this success Will only lead to more games and more third party support and the more people invest in the wii the better it will become for everyone so i see the positives. I am irked though that in my opinion the only real hardcore games (hardcore games is a term people dislike but it is widely known what it means so please continue to use it as there is no alternative) are metroid 3, SMG, Zelda twilight princess and a few more that escape me. These are all established franchises for Nintendo and this games are all larger than the average wii game. I think for me certain games should be epic, have lots of playing time and plenty of replayability. These do in spades but (apart form Zelda) they are dumbed down slightly and this is due to this casual gamer effect and to be honest i hope Nintendo bring out more 'big' games for us old school types. I do love all my other wii games though that are more user friendly and have a large amount of pick up an play value. A balance needs to be reached and i think going forward it will do. Now Nintendo has sucked all these casual gamers in , they will slowly get them more involved and perhaps make hardcore gamers of everyone, the games will then change to reflect this.

4. Gaming when I'm 50 -60. I hope so! Ever since i was into games i have played them with (among other people) my dad. My dad has a wii (he is 56) and he and his wife love it. I cannot see any reason why i will not continue to enjoy them in the future. AS for whether they are more accepted it is difficult to say 0 th technology will change rapidly and this may effect things (unsure how). In my opinion if the wii has reached a larger audience and brought gaming to the masses (mainly through the remote's excellent control and 'new ways to play') then the future will surely only increase this. ON the other side, the spate of mature and violent games that continue to appear in the headlines and then get banned could lead to an anti social side. This however is an issue of censorship and not something i will get into here as i am reasonably anti censorship. I feel i have gone off topic. Basically if Nintendo (and others) continue this wider audience thing then gaming will become the norm with many more people. Gaming being a more kid/young adult thing will always remain but as long as people still have children, they will want to play games and their parents inevitably get involved so i do not think it will ever die.

5 - Mario being primarily a one player game leads to me playing it on my own really (although i discuss it with my brother who also has it - we do not live together), and to be honest apart form showing it off to new people i haven't played the co-operative mode.

As for feelings - a tough one. My normal gaming feelings of excitement, frustration, satisfaction and the odd bout of amazement and surprise are all there but there is definitely that special something about Mario - nostalgia (both form moments that relate to past games and generally the Mario experience being all there as it was years ago) and just general Nintendo wow factor. Mario is linked to so many favorite games (Paper Mario, Mario kart and smash brothers) that there is an added element that you are playing damn near perfection and this can;t hep but make you feel all fuzzy inside!

6 - What is gameplay - you don't ask easy questions do you!!! Obviously the text book answer is how much fun the game is to physically play. This can be broken down into how well the controls respond, how well the levels are designed, how difficult it is ( a really difficult game in my opinion loses points for gameplay as constant frustration is not fun), how much it throws knew things your way that fit easily in the established world, how much it performs compared to others in the same genre. It really is hard to say. Nintendo for me are the kings of gameplay (on the whole) which is evidenced on their games being so highly rated. For me another aspect is how much i get sucked into a game - for me the best games are those that i think about when not playing and want to be playing them - this obviously is not something i can quantify but must be an indication of a game with great gameplay. Some games you pick up play for a bit and then you easily stop playing - sure you will revisit them at some point but not just now - SMG for example i played until i completed it. It is just so much fun to play. The controls are amazing and you can run around jumping around planets as though it was second nature. The Mario gameplay already established is there bit new things come into play - the bee costume, gravity and others that you get to grips with immediately as though they were always there. the level design is amazing and well i am just going on now. Difficult question, hopefully something above is useful.

I hope that helps! I mus be off. Had a 12 hour shift in the office, it is 11pm and i haven't eaten all day so off to get some gruba nd then i think i will get a couple of power stars on SMG before cathing some z's.
1. Age and Gender
19 Male
2. Would you consider your self a "gamer"/fan of all games related to Mario?
I'd consider myself a gamer but certainly not a Mario fan, first Mario game I've bought (played others though).
3.What in particular about Mario Galaxy drew you into the game? The physics, the seperate galaxies idea that has never been seen before and the artistic direction and variation of the entire game, it aint realistic, but it sure as hell looks good!

4.How often and for how long would you say you play video games?
About 3-4hrs a day.
5. Did mario galaxy meet your expectations?
Easily. I think it surpassed it. The first time you use one of those launch stars its like ZOMFG, and is still great a ew hundred later.

6. What would you say to those who consider it a "kiddie" game?
It has a kind of kiddy presentation, but this is one deep game, and as far as the platformers genre goes, this is probably one of the most advanced and indepth, certainly a game adults could pick up if and truly enjoy if they wanted a break from their more mainstream M/MA titles.
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  • #38

Awsomely thorough answers!!! I am truly grateful for the great thought you put into your answers, and for answering them as honestly as possible. You've given great info, and to be honest your excitement about SMG is a bit infectious, I am very curious now to try this game on my own....my boyfriend has been raving about since it came out but like i said before i know very little about games and gameplay so i never took much interest. I actually want to play now!! (my boyfriend will thank you for this!!) thank you again, sleep well!!!

Everyone else: You guys have been super!! I want to again thank all who have responded! I posted this topic in two other forums and only about three people have responded so far!! You guys have been super welcoming, I can tell this is a very positive community of gamers!!:smilewinkgrin:

good night and keep those answers coming!!
Well, I did a report on Harvest Moon in grade 8. This game can't be that bad to do a report on.
Syntax said:
Just a quick question/thought. Wouldn't it be better to interview and or question people you come across in a mall instead of doing it over a forum. That way, you can at least back up your findings with actual names of people who you have interviewed and or questioned, instead of questioning people on a forum. Also, I'm pretty sure that your teacher is going to require you to cite your work. Therefore, citing a member from a forum isn't the best method and may be frowned upon by your teacher. Although, I may be wrong..

Yeah what he said...

Except - as for citing your sources - I recommend the age-old tradition of making them up :thumbsup:
A triple post means that you have three posts in a row. If you want to add a comment and the latest post in a thread is one you created, you should edit your last post instead of making a new one.

And to answer some questions:

1. Can you give me a brief synopsis of SMG? What is the main goal?
Princess Peach (also known as Toadstool) is once again kidnapped by the evil lizard Bowser. Mario, with the aid of Rosalina and his borther Luigi, must find power stars so their space station can travel to the middle of the universe to find Peach.

2. did you reserve your copy, or purchased it after its release?
I purchased it after release.

3. How much would you say you spend on games monthly (average)?
About €12.

More in-depth questions:

1.Many of you obviously have played many previous Mario games. Besides the games and consoles, do you collect Mario memorabilia in general? If you do what does this collection represent for you?
I do not collect anything.

2. Nostalgia seems to be a significant factor in why many are purchasing SMG, and why many continue to support the whole Super Mario Franchise. do you think Mario's impact in the gaming world would have been as significant to you if it would have first appeared now?
Mario's first appearance was in the arcade game Donkey Kong and much of his design was the result of hardware restrictions. He wears overalls so his arms would be visible just like he has a moustache so his nose would be more obvious. The result was the kind of character that could only gain popularity in those days because a short fat plumber (or carpenter) would not be a believable character if his first appearance would be in 2007. While SMG would be critically acclaimed if it were the first in the series, it would not be as popular as it is now.

3. Does it bother you that many recent wii games, such as SMG, are being aimed to a wider audience, and not just the hard core gamer?
I don't care about the audience they're aiming for. My own enjoyment is what comes first.

4. Do you see yourself still playing video games in the next 20-30yrs? Do you think gaming will become a more acceptable "adult" leisure activity in the future? why or why not?
The average gamer is over twenty years old and many developers aim to make games for older audiences. It is also believed that video games are the next great narrative next to literature and film. Many games, like the Final Fantasy series, are very cinematic and the complex stories are more suited for adults than for kids. I think I will still play games in the future because the game industry is evolving in line with the customer's preference.

5. Please describe how you feel when playing SMG? do you prefer playing alone or in groups?
I feel a lot of enjoyment when playing the game because of the beautiful visuals, great music and nearly perfect gameplay. Super Mario Galaxy is not really meant to be a multiplayer game so I play it on my own. However, I often prefer playing fun multiplayer games like Mortal Kombat and Mario Kart.

6. Can you please explain what gameplay is? (this is a more curious question, many of you have said the gameplay is great, what exaclty is it? excuse me in advance if im a little slow, but i really do want to learn!
Gameplay is basically how the game feels. How natural it feels to control the characters. Games that are frustrating because of bad camera angles or irresponsive controls, have bad gameplay.
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  • #42
if you would of read my previous response, i already explained the research parameters i am using, which are fully acceptable by my professor.
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newgirl said:
if you would of read my previous response, i already explained the research parameters i am using, which are fully acceptable by my professor.

I've seen you write this mistake before: it's 'would have', not 'would of'. Sorry if I sound rude, but I'm a spelling nazi. :scared:
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  • #44
Well you guys it is time to collect and analyze all the information that I have gathered these past few weeks. I just want to say thank you again to all of those who responded. I presented my findings last week and i am happy to say that I did well. My final paper is due this friday, and l am actually looking forward to writing it. :thumbsup: For now I am ready for some shut eye, I just finished writing a five page paper and my brain is about to shut down. good luck to all those who have finals this coming week!
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  • #45
oh and to the spelling nazi.....thanks for the heads up, I slip sometimes....we all have our quirks:tard:

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