I am writting a Research paper on Super Mario galaxy, give me ur input pls!

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Syntax said:
Just a quick question/thought. Wouldn't it be better to interview and or question people you come across in a mall instead of doing it over a forum. That way, you can at least back up your findings with actual names of people who you have interviewed and or questioned, instead of questioning people on a forum. Also, I'm pretty sure that your teacher is going to require you to cite your work. Therefore, citing a member from a forum isn't the best method and may be frowned upon by your teacher. Although, I may be wrong..

that is a very legitimate question, and thank you for asking. I am allowed to do a "survey" type of research via forum, this form of research is known as an internet ethnography. The focus isn't to directly quote any of the members or to use it as a academic source but to get a feel of the fan base, and what they think on a one-on-one basis. Part of my research also includes observing a group of "gamers" playing Mario galaxy and just taking notes of how they respond to each other, the game itself, and the characters. As for my academic research I am looking into academic journals in my school data base, and mainly gathering statistical information in regards to the whole Mario Franchise and how it has affected the gaming industry. I want to take this time to thank everyone who has responded so far, I was very surprised to get so many responses and i thank you for that! Here are some additional questions if anyone would like to continuep:

1. Many of you do not care if others consider Mario games, Galaxy in particular, "kiddie". Can anyone try and elaborate and perhaps explain what about the game, or its features are un-kiddie like? (hope this makes sense)

2. Do you relate to any of the characters in the video game?

3. Many of you have stated that one of the main reasons you like to play this game is because of its great visual appeal. How is this game, specifically, superior to others in that regard?

4. When did you begin playing? Do you think the age at which you started playing affected how you perceives this type of subculture now?

Thanks again you guys!!!
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Please feel free to ask me anymore questions or concerns you may have. Just to let you know this is a college level paper and it is legitimate.
1. Nothing in the game is kiddy, thats why we can't explain what is un-kiddy. Thats just a misleading Nintendo stereotype.

The other three don't exactly pertain.
1. Age and Gender

13 year old, male.

2. Would you consider your self a "gamer"/fan of all games related to Mario?

Gamer, I am a fan of many franchises.

3.What in particular about Mario Galaxy drew you into the game?

Well, The style of gameplay was an attractive feature and the fact it was the best looking wii game helped. It is an innovative step forward is my reason.

4.How often and for how long would you say you play video games?

Depends, maybe 2 hours maybe 5 or maybe zero, it all comes down to my schedule and how I am feeling.

5. Did mario galaxy meet your expectations?

Well, yes, it done more than that. I wasn't really one of the people hyped up by it so my expectations were not as high as most peoples.

6. What would you say to those who consider it a "kiddie" game?

This is not a 'kiddie' game, it is an innovative step forward for the industry and it appeals to all ages, it is a piece of art.
Sounds good hope you get an A on your College paper, Wii is always a good topic:

1. Age and Gender: Male 24

2. Would you consider your self a "gamer"/fan of all games related to Mario?: I consider myself a fan of Mario and a Gamer

3.What in particular about Mario Galaxy drew you into the game?: Mario

4. How often and for how long would you say you play video games?: About 2 hours a day or 4 hours on the weekend, that's an average.

5. Did mario galaxy meet your expectations?: It exceeded them

6. What would you say to those who consider it a "kiddie" game?: No I would consider it an "Anyone can play it" game

Good luck with your paper
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1. Many of you do not care if others consider Mario games, Galaxy in particular, "kiddie". Can anyone try and elaborate and perhaps explain what about the game, or its features are un-kiddie like? (hope this makes sense):

I think what your trying to say is; Why do people believe that this game is suitable for children only? and what features does this game have that make it suitable for all ages?:

I think Mario Galaxy may be perceived as a Kiddie game because of two things: One the fact that Mario is so different than all of the more Adult based Shooter games for example Halo's Master Chief, the fact that Mario looks non-threatening gives him a saturday morning cartoon feel. Secondly Mario is a Character that has roots in many parents and consumers past, they see it as a childhood memory and as such label Mario a "kids thing".

2. Do you relate to any of the characters in the video game?:
Not really, I'm not a plumber.

3. Many of you have stated that one of the main reasons you like to play this game is because of its great visual appeal. How is this game, specifically, superior to others in that regard?:
First off this game looks awesome, but thats not to say its got the best Graphics on any system. What I do think is Galaxy uses its Graphics capacity to it's fullest to deliver a fantastic looking video game, they used a great theme (space) and used everysingle aspect to match that in a colorfull artistic manner.

4. When did you begin playing? Do you think the age at which you started playing affected how you perceives this type of subculture now?
About 7 years old, and yes I think I was very much affected by that. My nostalgia and Nintendo's great line up of games and consoles is what keeps me coming back to Nintendo over and over again.

Thanks again you guys!!![/QUOTE]
1. Many of you do not care if others consider Mario games, Galaxy in particular, "kiddie". Can anyone try and elaborate and perhaps explain what about the game, or its features are un-kiddie like? (hope this makes sense)

Well, the mario franchise at times was the only and biggest and therefore appealed to a vast audience and from there on in the developers have stuck to the thought and tried to appeal to the whole audience rather then the hardcore, this tactic often leads to the more hardcore consumer (Who is used to the more serious difficult side of the industry) feeling let down due to the game being particularly easy or to much of a childish theme is present therefore aimed at the casual market. I Say that the game does have some features that appeal to the hardcore consumer such as how new ideas have been put forward into the final product and offer us a learning curb and a different aspect of how we look at gamers.

2. Do you relate to any of the characters in the video game?

Not in particularly, no. Mainly because it is mainly kind of a stereotyped yet taken to a new dimension with the whole saving the princess scenario, to some extent I may relate to one or more of the characters however I have never really gave thought to the matter.

3. Many of you have stated that one of the main reasons you like to play this game is because of its great visual appeal. How is this game, specifically, superior to others in that regard?

This game has had more time put into and had more effort. The lush surroundings you see which have the benefit of the excellent lighting effects, every environment is something new therefore all this things make it a visually appealing game.

4. When did you begin playing? Do you think the age at which you started playing affected how you perceives this type of subculture now?

Not as such, I think it may effect the majority but as for me in particular not really, even if I started playing the games at a later date and started to look into the industry further it would of intrigued me more as I had not experienced it before.
Hi - Interesting post. Here are my answers.

1. I am male and 28 years old (i'm form th UK if it matters!)
2. Definitely a gamer. I have been playing games since i was five and have had every nintendo console since the NES and have played all the mario games - also have playstations and XBoxes so not exclusive to nintendo but in my mind nintendo are the best game creators and mario is their flagship.
3. Was always going to get this game regardless of how it reviewed - the specifics to what drew me in was mainly the fact that it is the new super mario game and therfore i must play it having loved all the others. In addition the graphics are amazing and clearly the best on the Wii - although many people moan that the wii doesn't have hi def - it is not always how sharp or realistic the graphics are but what you do with them - the actual range of colours and actual presentation and animation is what counts and in some respects mario is one of the best graphically designed games ever - across any console. Also the concept of the gravity is very well done and progresses the platformer genre in a way i though was not possible after Mario 64 technically broke new ground with the 3d platformer and this has not been surpassed - until glalaxy.
4. Now tht i am old and work long hours, game time is significantly reduced to an hour maybe two on a weekday - weekends can vary but if i get a new great game (like galaxy) then i still pull the old 'all dayer' and can play up to 12 hours. On average though across the year it prob is a couple of hours a day.
5. Interesting.... As said i am a mario fanatic, having been there since super mario 1. Galaxy delivered on amazing visuals (not that this necessarily matters) and the new gravity and planetoid concepts, however part of me feels slightly let down by the more linear feel to the game and i miss the big sprawling areas of mario 64. Too many levels are do something on planetoid a - warp star to planetoid b - do something else and so on. DOn't get me wrong i love this game and prefer to sunshine but i don't think it beats 64 in total.
6. The kiddie issue people have attached to nintendo is something that has always angered me. Partly i still play nintendo games becaue i have been playing them for 20 years and that must sway my opinion slighlty but at the same time nintendo games are generally rated higher than all others because they are amazing. Cutesy graphics (which galaxy has) does not in my opinion make a game childish. Also difficulty is surely a factor in this debate. Now Mario is not the hardest game in the world but despite my experience (and i reckon i am better than the average gamer, specifically at platformers) the odd level kept me going a few attempts before i nabbed that star. Kids would struggle. I would also like someone to define what age kiddie games refer to. Pre teens? Under 18's? I think if you enjoy a game, play it regardless. It is the current generation of gamers that first found console gaming via some generic fps on the playstation that bandy about the kiddie term, mainly to fit in with the 'cool' gang. PLay games, enjoy them, if people chose to ignore a great game becasue they view it as childish, it is their loss. As for factors in mario that make it unkiddie like - apart form the difficulty mentioned above - i cannot really say. Again it depends what kiddie means? Not realistic? Not 'mature' ie killing and blood? It is difficult to say as i personally do not define games on this basis. Games are good or bad , i wanna play them or i don't. Graphics style would never effect my decision.

As for your additional comments i have tried to incorporate answers above - as for relating to any of the characters i would have to say no. Difficlt to relate to a rather fat italian plumber who is launching himself around space to find stars to power a spaceship to go to the centre of the universe to rescue the princess of the mushroom kingdom! I would like to think that if i was in mario's situation i would do my best to save the damsel in destress but it is a bit too far fetched for me to relate.

Enjoyed this post, sorry i went on a bit. Incidentally i would like to know the outcome of your paper and also i wonder if you would answer the questions yourself...unless this goes against the writing of the paper's rules.
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Thank you so much for your response, it was very well thought out and detailed and it is exactly what i was looking for. My paper is due in about three weeks, once i receive my grade i will let you know the outcome. As for me I do not consider myself a gamer. that is the reason for my paper. Many friends, including loved ones, are very much into video games. What is interesting for me is that the majority of them are over the age of 20, and I wanted to try and understand the great fascination with video games, especially Mario. I used to play until the age of about 13, but lost my interest after that. I do not consider them childish though, i've tried playing them recently and some are just way too hard for kids (either that or im just really bad) As part of my research i will also engage myself in a video game session and attempt to get first hand experience with this game in particular. Would you be interested in a more in depth questionare? Please let me know if you have time, and I will email you some questions. thank you again!!
newgirl said:
Would you be interested in a more in depth questionare? Please let me know if you have time, and I will email you some questions. thank you again!!

I have no social life, I will be happy to help out:)
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that would be great....I will try and email you my questions soon...thank you!:)
I'll put a response together for you if I have time (a little tight on resources this week, prepping for a trip to DC) - the wife and I are older-ish gamers so it might be an interesting statistical change-up.
1. Many of you do not care if others consider Mario games, Galaxy in particular, "kiddie". Can anyone try and elaborate and perhaps explain what about the game, or its features are un-kiddie like? (hope this makes sense)
This game has 'kiddie' written all over it and those who deny it probably confuse the word 'kiddie' with 'childish'. The designs are colourful, the music is cheerful and the characters are cute but that's what I like about the Mario franchise. I would not play a Mario game if it weren't kiddie.

2. Do you relate to any of the characters in the video game?
There is no depth in characters so the answer is very simple: no.

3. Many of you have stated that one of the main reasons you like to play this game is because of its great visual appeal. How is this game, specifically, superior to others in that regard?
While Wii can't process as many polygons as a PS3 or 360, Nintendo has greater designers than any other software developer I know of. This makes for well designed graphics that are far superior to any game's graphics I've seen on other consoles. I like how colourful (and again, kiddie) the game looks.

4. When did you begin playing? Do you think the age at which you started playing affected how you perceives this type of subculture now?
I've been playing games for as long as I remember, probably when I was around 4 or 5 (I'm from 1988). I had a snes and only one of my friends had a game console (Sega Megadrive). Now nearly everyone plays games and I think it's awesome that I witnessed this evolution while I was already a part of that. I think my interest in games differs from those of newer gamers because I started earlier (e.g. Some of my friends never play 2D games).

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