Hyrule map! (owerworld)

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NeMeZyZ said:
whoa whoa whoa....you REALLY have to think about it FOUR TIMEs before u say that...thats a violation there, i mean oot was a great games but man...whoa whoa whoa, probably graphic and gameplay but storywise? hmm i think it might be a tie

MOHAHAHA i'm crazy .. RIGHT? :arf:
cause Oot was SICK! best game ever. I think there's a really sad and cool story..!
(not about topic)
i saw a video where link picks up a plant and whistles thru it and calls a bird
i wonder how much animals u can call
If you save it and zoom in, its a horseshoe on a string...I like the idea of a lasso, its cool. A bell? Not likely. And Midna is the face on the ^ of the d-pad...I'm super giddy whenever I think of this game:D
spinecraft said:
i think they're now spurs (like on his heels)

They resemble the whipping stick that riders your personally, and the jagged edge star that you think looks like the spikes for the spur it self are the illustration of impact. like how you would draw a hammer hitting a wall or the floor in a comic with the impact lines coming off it.

So it basically means each one is a strike on Epona's hide to get her moving faster. Both carrot (OoT) and this are realistic because its what someone would really do, and plus it would be plain as day obvious link doesnt actually own cowboy boots or any form of iron heeled boots with spurs attached. Thing that deducts points from the carrot though for me, is that only a master rider could lean forward and give his/her horse something to eat to entice it to gallop, and this animation is not shown in Oot. For donkeys the classic, dangling a carrot on a piece of string infront of its face is what the carrot symbolised to me in Oot.

I note though that there doesnt SEEM to be an animation of Link hitting Epona with any sticks, however I haven't watched the horse back trailers with real intent to pick any such actions out.
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The map is bi as hell man. But I hope it doesn't get boring riding around hyrule for 45 minutes.
Zaine06 said:
The map is bi as hell man. But I hope it doesn't get boring riding around hyrule for 45 minutes.

Maybe it will get boring, but I would Prefer a bigger playing field then a smaller one. Bigger you can change (hopefully) with the help of transportation songs (if they are included with calling animals). A smaller one will have people complaining, suggesting bigger fields in the next title, so why not have them now :smilewinkgrin:
If this one is too big, they can change it for the next title, or introduce transporation songs (if they aren't included in this title).

If the field was the same size as OoT Hyrule field then I would of questioned buying it I think.
I agree. Because the map on ww was boring man. All the creatures you had to fight on the boat and to tell you the truth I really didn't like that. The transport song really did nothing you still had to travel on the boat to reach most of the places. But in TP I hope it is totally different.
I actually don't think that is all of Hyrule. It looks too small. You see all those places that look like it's a dead-end? That prolly goes to another part of it.
It is probably not. There are going to be other places than hyrule. I hope it doesn't get boring riding around hyrule.
Zaine06 said:
It is probably not. There are going to be other places than hyrule. I hope it doesn't get boring riding around hyrule.

You are a big fat geek with no life you spends his time posting threads all over the internet. Get a life and do something else. Oh yeah I really like how the land of hyrule looks in TP.
Zaine06 said:
It is probably not. There are going to be other places than hyrule. I hope it doesn't get boring riding around hyrule.

When has a Zelda game been boring? =P
myagirl said:
You are a big fat geek with no life you spends his time posting threads all over the internet. Get a life and do something else. Oh yeah I really like how the land of hyrule looks in TP.

Your tailing him and checking upon where he posts, so whos sad?! :wtf:
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Jenova said:
I actually don't think that is all of Hyrule. It looks too small. You see all those places that look like it's a dead-end? That prolly goes to another part of it.

I was going to say that earlier on in the thread, about the dead ends.
I reckon they do lead onto other plains, which is all the better for us! :smilewinkgrin:

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