Hyrule map! (owerworld)

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+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
If You Look At Link Pointer On The Map.. Below It Is A Long Straightaway,

That's The Bridge In Front Of Him! And The Bridge Doesn't Look That Long!

Do It'll Take ABout...Uh... 20 To 25 Minutes It Looks Like To Go CLear Around On That Map! :D

yeah i know i thought about that actually a minutte after i posted it but i did'nt wan't to say it:p
but that 's not the entire hyrule. so there could be like 5 maps or something..
I really hope Hyrule has locations we've seen before in the other games. I love when we get to see where we've been before, like in Wind Waker when you get to visit the underwater Hyrule castle.
deity_link said:
That's awesome
In other news: I dislike what the speed burst things look like the carrots where better
i think they're now spurs (like on his heels)
whoa whoa whoa....you REALLY have to think about it FOUR TIMEs before u say that...thats a violation there, i mean oot was a great games but man...whoa whoa whoa, probably graphic and gameplay but storywise? hmm i think it might be a tie

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