How to stop telemarketers


Dec 6, 2006
Your Face!!
Wii Online Code
If you ever had called gamestop they say their whole thing about the buy and sell used games. So i said that to a telemarketer and he bought it! He asked questions about how connecting a ps2 to the car and that thing you plug in to connect more controllers. so i made a price up for that and he thought he really called gamestop. Now he will cross my number of his list for sure .:cornut: :lol:
How to stop a telemarketer suggestion number two..

Hang up :)

Oh and nice job. I'm suprised he fell for it.
do this

tele: hi there is this the head of the house, Id like to talk to you about (blah)
me: yeah Im in the middle of dinner right now, how bout you give me your home phone number then I can call you back when Im good.
tele: Sorry I dont really do this stuff from home.
me: huh, how about that? *hang up*
I got a good one:

Tele: Hi is Mr.So or So there?
Me: Yes this is I
Tele: Hi i would like to offer you this product Blah Blah Blah
Me: You know, i have this great Product (make up a product)
Tele: No im ok thanks
Me: (tell him the price, name, functions Etc)


A back up plan is this:

Tele: Hi is Mr. So or So there?
if its a guy (and your a guy) start to hit on them. however this can backfire if the telemarketer is gay!
GhOsT55 said:
I got a good one:

Tele: Hi is Mr.So or So there?
Me: Yes this is I
Tele: Hi i would like to offer you this product Blah Blah Blah
Me: You know, i have this great Product (make up a product)
Tele: No im ok thanks
Me: (tell him the price, name, functions Etc)


A back up plan is this:

Tele: Hi is Mr. So or So there?
haha I got into a conversation with a friend when I said I wanted to take up japanese in college, and said for fun I would bust it out for phone conversations I dont wan to be involved in, but I would use real words
Heres one-


TM= Hello would you like to buy a _________
Me= Sorry I am a little busy right now, can you leave me your phone number?
TM= Um... were not aloud to do that.
Me= Oh, so I guess you don't like being called at home.
TM= Yeah
Me= Well now... YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!
I got another good one:

Tele: hello i would like to sell you something
Me: Umm sure, i am just masturbating right now but please do go on
Me: O yah....uuhhh....yes....o yah....
hogsbff said:
Heres one-


TM= Hello would you like to buy a _________
Me= Sorry I am a little busy right now, can you leave me your phone number?
TM= Um... were not aloud to do that.
Me= Oh, so I guess you don't like being called at home.
TM= Yeah
Me= Well now... YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!
yeah thats basically down the same road as mine
i just speak hebrew and they usually get confused and hang up hahaha. works 99.9% of the time. i got caught once, turns out he was israeli and caught me on it. started speaking actual words (i only know phrases and stupid sayings...IE curses lol). i then hung up haha
hogsbff said:
Heres one-


TM= Hello would you like to buy a _________
Me= Sorry I am a little busy right now, can you leave me your phone number?
TM= Um... were not aloud to do that.
Me= Oh, so I guess you don't like being called at home.
TM= Yeah
Me= Well now... YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!

that was from an episode of sienfeld:thumbsup:
Tell them your very busy

You want bad try the phone company im with
5 minuets saying I dont want your damn "Free" phone
You just tell them your busy having sex with your partner atm and could they please call back later.

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