how to make a sig?


Pokémon Master
Nov 17, 2007
What programs do you people use to make sigs? On the forums I came from, they used GIMP. I downloaded it, but never got around to figuring how to use it. I want to download and learn how to use photoshop, but i think you have to pay for it.

so what do you guys/girls use to make sigs?
I use CS2 for all my art pieces. I know that CS3 is more recent, but I actually prefer to use CS2. As I said before, old habits die hard. :)
I use Photoshop CS2. Once you get a hang of it it's quite easy to use.
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ok, thanks everyone!

now lets see if i can make something better than this one.....
I used Ulead GIF animator trial and paint for mine =) But mines different and so much more awesom :lol:

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