
pro gamer

A.K.A Master Chief
Nov 29, 2007
Wii Online Code
I have a question:
How do you put a picture you make in gimp as your sig?
I got made a new sig in gimp but I Don't know how to put it as my sig.
create an account at photobucket or imageshack and then upload your picture
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I put a picture from gimp as my sig. before but I forgot how to. I didn't sign up for imageshack or photobucket.
go to the attatchments section of your user cp and upload the picture
once uploaded, click on the attachment and paste the url in your sig
sorry, I said that wrong
upload the attachment by clicking the post a reply button, then click manage attatchments, then upload it
Just save your sig as a .png in either your picture or documents folders

Then go to

click browse

find your saved file

click it

and then upload it

you will get a code. The code is a direct link to your image, with
wrapped around it.
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never mind. fixed it. thanks you guys.
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