how do i watch Video files?

well yes you can watch video.....but you must transfer them to the SD card...

I have used my digital camera and I can view the video feed and pics off of it!

so there you have it...
3mpathy said:
Maccapacitor, when converting an .avi is there a huge size increase like when converting with red kawas video converter? useing it a 175mg video went to 700mg mjpeg form and turnd to almost unwatchable quality :(

I don't understand how it turned it to almost unwatchable quality. I've been playing around with Red Kawas Video Converter today with a 128MB card (all I have at the moment), putting music videos and whatnot on it (mind you, one at a time)...and while it does increase the file size by about twice, the quality is the same or at least close to it as if I was playing it on my PC.