Watching Videos on wii?


WiiChat Member
Nov 22, 2006
Hey everyone, i've been researching a bit on how to watch videos on the wii. Well here is what i have come up with.
1. You need an SD card to store the file from your computer. U may also need an sd card reader for your computer, or a built in sd card reader that most laptops have now.
2. You need to convert the movie file (avi, divx, mpg, mp4 etc) to a wii compatible format. (motion jpeg (.avi))
3. The wii compatible format is mjpeg which is called a motion jpeg movie or something like that. Mjpegs extension are .avi. NOT .mov.
4. Wii converter 9 by Red Kawa seems to be the "converter" heres a link to their site. Wii Video 9 - Wii Video Converter
5. What you have to do is:
a. Stick your sd card into ur computer
b. Open up wii video 9
c. Go to convert tab and convert ur video
d. The file will be in the program files/red kawa/wii video 9 folder
e. Copy and paste this file into your sd card. (It will be a bigger file, make sure ur sd card has enough space)
f. Take out the sd card and plug it into your wii.
g. On ur wii, go to photo channel
h. go to sd card management
i. go view movie
j. If all has worked, u will now be watching ur video on ur tv!

Sorry for the long post, hope it was somewhat informative.

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yea i saw that thread, but it doesnt talk about ppl actually trying it, and having it work.. maybe i was just unlucky with that one divx file i was converting...

EDIT: i guess it was just unlucky, i tried a different file and it works! lol its fun playing around with the "fun" stuff while watching!, just too bad u cant reverse or fast forward!
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so I'm assuming you can then rip off sd card and throw movie on the 512 flash of the wii ?
baxbunny said:
yea i saw that thread, but it doesnt talk about ppl actually trying it, and having it work.. maybe i was just unlucky with that one divx file i was converting...

Thanks man, this info was alot more thurough than what I have seen on here. I am definitely going to give it a whirl when I get home from work tonight.
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Blips said:
so I'm assuming you can then rip off sd card and throw movie on the 512 flash of the wii ?
i dont think you can do that. But i would not know for sure, because the video files i have have been larger than 512mb, cuz mjpeg dont really compress much.. lol
do you guys even read the manual? It says right in there that it *only* plays .mov files.
wats the point of doing so? ...sounds like a long process to just watch a short video on ur computer. is it really worth the time it takes?
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jus. said:
do you guys even read the manual? It says right in there that it *only* plays .mov files.
Yea, and the manual is wrong. because i've tried a few .mov files, and they dont work. and mjpeg avi files work. ALSO, if you make ur own video slideshow from wii it becomes an avi. mjpeg means a special type of avi.
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wats the point of doing so? ...sounds like a long process to just watch a short video on ur computer. is it really worth the time it takes?
i have been able to convert an entire episode of anime, ~30 min and watch on my big tv instead of a small lcd monitor, i also have a divx dvd player, but then i'd have to burn a dvd, and converting, then putting onto sd card saves time and a disk
i gotcha bunny.. i guess this doesnt really affect me, since my tv is connected to my pc. i just gotta click and drag over, but i was thinking it was gonna take longer to convert.. thast why i asked.

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