Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


umm yaa.... anybody here?
May 13, 2007
In search of epic lulz
Wii Online Code
8.0 Presentation
Nearly the complete Potter package. Gorgeous menus and the most immersive Hogwarts yet. Impressive variety and dozens of unlockables. Some cinematics look great, but the transitions are jarring.

8.0 Graphics
One of the prettier games on Wii. Huge, detailed world with unsurpassed variety. Loads of characters. More detail than the norm. Runs in 480p and 16:9 widescreen. Framerate suffers, though.

9.5 Sound
Outstanding. Orchestrated music and great voice dialog by many of the real movie actors. The sound effects are top notch, too.

7.5 Gameplay
Fun, but with some flaws. Epic universe to explore. You will marvel at Hogwarts. Using the Wii remote to cast spells feels great. But Harry handles heavily and there are too many fetch quests.

8.0 Lasting Appeal
The Order of the Phoenix delivers a satisfyingly long single-player adventure with lots of unlockables and mini-games.


As a huge Harry Potter fan im most defintely picking this up when it comes out. :smilewinkgrin:
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The good games just seem to just be trickiling in im glad to see developers doing big things for the wii.
I'm glad you can explore Hogwarts thats why I hated the Goblet of Fire exploring was my favorite part of the older ones.
Hmmmm sound pretty good, especially the roaming around bit and the casting spells with the wiimote. May decide to get this. Hope you guys have pre ordered your books, though im sure WHsmiths wont sell out if you live in england >.>
this is actually one of the better reviews ive seen around here, but still a too high of a score from what i can tell
*looks up images*
oh, its igns review? you shoulve stated this, no wonder it scored high, ign wii overrates games
Sovieto said:
this is actually one of the better reviews ive seen around here, but still a too high of a score from what i can tell
*looks up images*
oh, its igns review? you shoulve stated this, no wonder it scored high, ign wii overrates games

I guess thats your opinion but ever since the Wii's been released I think they've only given about 5 or less games over 8....
Eagles said:
I guess thats your opinion but ever since the Wii's been released I think they've only given about 5 or less games over 8....
i just found 7
and i lost all respect for ign wii when they went with everyone else and gave RE4 a 9.0
Sovieto said:
i just found 7
and i lost all respect for ign wii when they went with everyone else and gave RE4 a 9.0

Well your right :p , but I've still really enjoyed the games they've given high scores. A review is very subjective and every one will give a different score, if IGN Wii really enjoyed a game they'll give it a high score, some, like you may not agree but others will agree :)

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