hi there i need help


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
hello i just got i wii and i am stuck i have mario&sonic olympics game and i want to play online with my brother in law i have got a wireless router it is up and running the internet is working because i have been able to send him msgs i am just wondering how the hell i play him on line i really need help i have looked and looked in my manualls put nothing is smacking me in the face if u now what i mean and the marios and sonic is wifi cheers spencershaun:mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: please email me or pm me bck my email address is shaunelsworth@btinternet.com
Hello and welcome to WiiChat, spencerse!
You can call me Icy for short:cornut:
Get him in your friend roster like the others said.
If you have any more problems, concerns, and/or ?'s then feel free to ask.
If your the most knowledgeable on this site then:

1. Why did you spell knowledgeable wrong?

2. Not know that Mario and Sonic doesn't have the ability to be taken online and played against friends. It just has leaderboards.
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cheers for the info guys and i sort of worked out that the Mario and Sonic doesn't have the ability to be taken on line and played against friends. It just has leader boards, i found it out by staying up till 3.AM then just learned how to update the leader board,can u tell me what games are out so i can go on line cheers by the way SPENCERSE means Spencer Shaun Elsworth which is my sons name it wouldn't let me but it as a spencershaunelsworth so i cum up with that so my real name is Shaun but people call me Elsey:lol: [MEDIA][/MEDIA]

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