Hi everybody


Jul 22, 2007
In photoshop!
Wii Online Code
I am popert8 but I never introduced myself, my old file got screwed around by my little brother, I know no one believes me though... :sad: So I got distrusted in the design lounge now because they think I posted ripped work, which my little brother probably did... Sorry design lounge...

Anyway about me :D I love to work stuff on photoshop, still just a beginner though! I like to trade on pokemon, race on mario kart, and raise and battle with spectrobes (lol not wifi though, I wish) My little brother I hate :mad5: and thats about it! :p
Uhh, so this is your 2nd account? [well duhh]
Unless you made like 4 others. lol, hmm .. o_O
Welcome back and Welcome to WiiChat. I've
seen you around, lol. ..and uh, yeah. Have
fun, and don't let your little brother mess
with your account again. :lol: :nono: :scared: :sick:
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WiiWouldLike2Play said:
Uhh, so this is your 2nd account? [well duhh]
Unless you made like 4 others. lol, hmm .. o_O
Welcome back and Welcome to WiiChat. I've
seen you around, lol. ..and uh, yeah. Have
fun, and don't let your little brother mess
with your account again. :lol: :nono: :scared: :sick:
Yeah this is only my 2nd, and my bro will think I still use popert8! :lol:
So was your other account banned?? or did you make this to avoid your younger brother. Because if you didn't get banned I suggest you have the Popert8 account either deleted and or banned by i0n because having more than one account isn't allowed..
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Syntax said:
So was your other account banned?? or did you make this to avoid your younger brother. Because if you didn't get banned I suggest you have the Popert8 account either deleted and or banned by i0n because having more than one account isn't allowed..
My other account I am going to get deleted or give it to my brother, which doesnt that mean its not mine?
You would have to let either one of the super moderators such as TLC or i0n know so that they don't ban one or both of your accounts. Also if your brother is just ripping other peoples work I believe he will receive a ban for it.

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