
God Like in my own way
Jan 16, 2007
Earsham (in the Sticks)
Wii Online Code
I would like to say a uber huge hello to all wii owners.

My Wii address book is looking poor so is any1 up for swapping there Wii codes?????? Oh go on.........please........i got loads of funny Mii's to send.

My Wii Codes is: 8397-9804-7113-1778

E-mail me at kevbo69@btinternet.com

nice1 boss's

thats the lot me thinks

i need more miis in my parade but not in my console are they all on mingle? plus i need lots of female miis is like 38 males to 7 females atm lol coz i only add them for peoples profiles as you can only have 100 miis and 100 people in your address book so for 1 in each profile you have to sacrifice making more of your own. atm i have 45 miis and 25 people in my address book i think so i can only have a max of 80 people with miis in their profile its gay lol
Welcome to the forum Kevbo :) I'll add you later.
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all my mii's are on mingle....i have only 8 female but 6 of those are recreated funny famous people. i shall start working on more females coz like yours my mii's are looking alittle one sided in the gender department. i have got loads n loads of funny male mii's....like elton john, auston powers etc got 39 males in total. Add me and take a look.

(Still needing codes.......boohoo)
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That Hurts sob sob sob

Wiired said:
Hey Kev, and welcome to the forums (though I have a feeling you just signed up temporarily in hope people will just add you) but hey anyway.

I love Nintendo, i also love talking so this site is right up my street. Im not going anywhere.......hope you dont mind.

I do really need codes coz i only know 1 person with a Wii down this way.

I am a people person i like meeting new people which is why i joined this forum.

To have people i meet on here on my Wii would be UBER MAC N CHEESE. you know....increase the fun factor and all that

Thats enough ranting from me

speak to ya all soon:ciappa:

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