Help with Wii (new to Wii)


WiiChat Member
Jun 24, 2007
East USA
Yeah I recently sold my 360 since I got bored of Gears. And Im planning to buy a Wii since my 2 bro's have a ps3 and a 360.

1 - Any good games coming out in the future?

2 - More Online MP in the future?

3 - Which stores have them in stock?

Thank You for your time.

- Justin
1 - read reviews

2 - read reviews

3 - Search Engines.

1. Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Metroid Prime, FIFA/Madden08, Just to name a few

2. Brawl will be online, So is FIFA and Madden, By christmas it will be like the 360 where most games are online [Just a prediction]

3. Most stores now. I see you live in USA whereas I live in UK. Try your local shops. The only American stores I know of is Target and Bestbuy

Hope that helps :)

And hey. All 3 next-gen consoles, Go you :)
(1)The Bigs is out now in some stores, Metroid Prime 3 schedueled for Aug 20th, Mario Strikers Charged schedueled for July 30th I think; also Madden '08 is on the way just to name a few for you. (2)It should be about to bust loose now. (3)Check the Wal-Mart sales paper, when you see them advertised call and ask when they get or got a shipment and if they have any in stock. Ask if they will hold one for you. This seems to still be pretty difficult to pull off at the moment, but the past two times I saw them is their sales paper they had 2 or 3 stocked; one even seemed to stay on the shelf for a couple days. Also try Gamestop, they seem to have some good suggestions.
miiguy said:
1 - read reviews

2 - read reviews

3 - Search Engines.

How can he read reviews for games coming out in the future? :wtf: The game has to be near release before it is reviewed.

Anyway as Wii_Smurf said games to look forward to include Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy. :)
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Eagles said:
How can he read reviews for games coming out in the future? :wtf: The game has to be out first before it is reviewed.

Wrong, Thats WRONG!

If he buys Gaming magazines most games are reviewed before they come out. So people know. Magazines get them before they are released.
My Official Nintendo Magazine reviewed Zelda like the issue before the Wii came out.

Just thought I'd point that out. But if not then I guess he does have to go on his thoughts
Wii_Smurf said:
Wrong, Thats WRONG!

If he buys Gaming magazines most games are reviewed before they come out. So people know. Magazines get them before they are released.
My Official Nintendo Magazine reviewed Zelda like the issue before the Wii came out.

Just thought I'd point that out

Sorry I was referring to learning information on Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Metroid Prime Corruption as they have not been reviewed yet :p .
Eagles said:
How can he read reviews for games coming out in the future? :wtf: The game has to be near release before it is reviewed.

That is my point. Why ask us about games that haven't been made yet, how do we know what IGN doesn't???

Same with games that have been reviewed, my view is no better/different than any game review websites, as Wiihavefun knows me as well as the editors of these magazines. You tube and Dailymotion have game clips to watch. If you can't decide whether to buy a game based on this information, then there's no help.

This is not a dig at you Eagles, but some people are just bone idle lazy. All it takes it to write "Wii game reviews" in google.

Even when they come to this site, have they tried the Wii-chat search engine. There are some people on here who spend time writing reviews of games, or some threads are dedicated to them, then some Noob comes in and bypasses all that for a quick answer cos they can't be assed to do some research.

Steps off.

And Breathe.......
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Well I know he could have searched but he is just a new member, his first post :) . Well I guess we all have our own opinions about answering members questions. In reality any gaming question can be answered with Google as you have said, but it could take time to sift through all the information about future releases. That is why he asked and if other members knew the answer they can answer taking a total of 5 minutes to get the answer :)
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Thank you for all the replies. Its not that Im lazy its just that Wii seems hard to research. It's weird going from 360 to Wii, lol. Thanx for all your replies though.
SSMBB Mario Galaxy Metroid Prime III I think theyll have a red steel 2 the first one wasnt all that good but if they fixed there mistakes it will be pretty good and I think itll get online play but ya Id watch E3 for more info if you cant find a wii you can get one here: it comes with zelda tp and prince of persia rival swords but when I bought a bundle it came with super monkey ball bannana blitz and I traded it into target for Gears Of War maybe you could trade it out for a diffrent wii game well hope I helped!

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