Help for a future Wii owner


WiiChat Member
Sep 6, 2007
Since my brother got an XBox 360, also due to the frustrations of my PC and feeling forced to constantly upgrade my computer, I am starting to consider to buy a Wii, because getting a second 360 would be redundant. I am really big into online gaming, and before I make my decision to get a Wii or not, I would like to know more about it.

How is the Wii's online MP system?
Do games tend to be very laggy?
What are some good games coming out that will have online MP?
What games that currently have online MP worth mentioning?
When will there be more "mature" games coming out?
How are the current FPS's out for the Wii, and how well do FPS's work with the Wii?
whats mp

and nintendo does not have that much mature games but most peaple play it anyways

if you get the wii, one of the best games to get is ssbb its multiplayer and has all the nintendo characters convined in one game
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MP = Multiplayer. I am not too concerned about offline MP. Online MP is what I base all of my game choices off.
I Dreamed of My Favorite Wii Game....

I would love to conduct symphony orchestras with the Wii. I would buy one if that game were available.
I can imagine conductiong the classical music of beethoven and Wagner and bach, Mozart, etc. in much the same way the Guitar Hero folks do now.
Whom do I contact to BEG them to make such a game? I think a million people would buy the platform just to conduct their favorite symphonoes!
1-uhh friendcodes, but nothing bad about it...
2-for the first 2 days they are out
3-ssbb, no more heroes, batallion wars 2, mario and sonic at the olympic games, ghost squad, mario kart,
4-so far the only games are mario strikers charged, pokemon battle revolution and madden 08
5-uhh mp3 is out, manhunt 2 is gonna come out the september i believe,i'm not sure if you mean the rating m, or games that are meant for teens/adults
6-i found that cod 3 sucked, however mp3 was ****ing amazing, a lot of people here said resident evil had good gameplay as well, however i never played it
Honestly, you don't sound like you would enjoy the nintendo wii. Sorry every one, I love my wii (lawlz.) but if you want mature games and online gameplay, it's just not for you. Wii is focused on casual games played with people in the same room as you. Sure, there's two online games (With no chat/lobby/way to keep track of your friends) and there's a couple on the horizon that will be online but if you want games like halo, or gears of war I'd look in another direction. Maybe PS3 would make a good addition to your xbox/PC arsenal.
Tairusu said:
Honestly, you don't sound like you would enjoy the nintendo wii. Sorry every one, I love my wii (lawlz.) but if you want mature games and online gameplay, it's just not for you. Wii is focused on casual games played with people in the same room as you. Sure, there's two online games (With no chat/lobby/way to keep track of your friends) and there's a couple on the horizon that will be online but if you want games like halo, or gears of war I'd look in another direction. Maybe PS3 would make a good addition to your xbox/PC arsenal.

Why do people continue to make this assumption.... Its been stated that game developers did not have full support behind the Wii, and expected its sales to be less than the PS3. I'm sure we will see many more mature oriented games, for Hardcore gamers as the year progresses, remember development of a video game takes some time. With over 10 Million sold, the Wii serves every market of the video gamer.
toxigenic said:
Why do people continue to make this assumption.... Its been stated that game developers did not have full support behind the Wii, and expected its sales to be less than the PS3. I'm sure we will see many more mature oriented games, for Hardcore gamers as the year progresses, remember development of a video game takes some time. With over 10 Million sold, the Wii serves every market of the video gamer.

thank you, you have made a bullseye....that's the real point...
toxigenic said:
Why do people continue to make this assumption.... Its been stated that game developers did not have full support behind the Wii, and expected its sales to be less than the PS3. I'm sure we will see many more mature oriented games, for Hardcore gamers as the year progresses, remember development of a video game takes some time. With over 10 Million sold, the Wii serves every market of the video gamer.

And you decide what systems to buy based on games that may or may not exist at some point in the future?

If you're trying to decide what system to buy TODAY and you're favorite generes are shooters and online oriented games, would you really buy a wii and just hope that the shooter genre fills out? That's just plain dumb. It's not an attack against nintendo to say the games out right now aren't catering to the halo crowd, and that it doesn't look like you're going to see the system flooded with shooters and gorey hack and slash games. I'm sure we'll see them pop up here and there on the wii, and I look forward to them-- but if you want to kill people in the most gruesome way possible TODAY then your options are very limited on the wii.

I love nintendo's system. I play it whenever I can. This post is not a flame, or a complaint. I'm just saying I don't want to see some one drop $250 on a system and then get upset because it doesn't cater to there play style.
bw! said:
I think that answers your question, sir.
If you want an online experience, Wii should be your last choice. Get a PS3 perhaps. Wii's only hope so far for online FPS is Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. 1 game that is a FPS and online.

Oh, and friend codes are the biggest ***** and marketing mistake anyone could make (there also is no voice chat so far, and I don't think any is announced).

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