Hello to all from Greece!


WiiChat Member
Apr 21, 2007
Athens - Greece

I am a new member of the forum!
I got a wii console a week ago and until today (and after many many problems) i finally made it! I connected my wii console through a wireless modem - router to the internet! So i had the chance to download the internet channel and the vote channel!
For the time being i have 2 games : wii sports and wii play.
My next game will be "smooth moves".

Until now i am very pleased from the system. The connection to internet was very easy and i hope that we will enjoy many good titles in the future.

Best Regards to all!
Hey man congrats on getting a wii and connecting it to the internet. You have officially passed two of the hardest tasks of this generation.:lol:
Anyway I hope to see you around.
Hey welcome hope you have a good time
remember to stick to the rules
You dont want flamed trust me!
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thank you all for the welcoming!!!
What about these online codes and wii friends?
I have connected my wii since 4 days and i used the "mingled" option of my mii, but i do not see anything happens.
Maybe i am not using it well or i have missunderstood sth. Anyway sorry for bothering but a couple of ideas or other relevant topics recommendations will be appreciated mates!

Ahoy and have a nice week!!!!!

to wii_cammy : i will try to remember that! ;)

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