Hello from the land of GHIII


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2007
Hello guys, I am Manchovies.
I am playing my new Wii I got for Christmas. Best Christmas ever.
I got a Wii, Happy Feet game, Sonic and the secret rings,a Zune, and most importantly: Guitar Hero 3.

I am disappointed with the online play, nobody is ever on. So if anybody ever wants to play, post here, or PM me. I play mostly medium, and learning how to play on hard.

Manchovies said:
Hello guys, I am Manchovies.
I am playing my new Wii I got for Christmas. Best Christmas ever.
I got a Wii, Happy Feet game, Sonic and the secret rings,a Zune, and most importantly: Guitar Hero 3.

I am disappointed with the online play, nobody is ever on. So if anybody ever wants to play, post here, or PM me. I play mostly medium, and learning how to play on hard.

welcome to wiichat......happy feet?wtf were you thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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You can't find it?!
Every store where I live has piles of guitar hero 3 games.
Hello and welcome to WiiChat, Manchovies!
You can call me Icy for short:cornut:
If you have any problems, concerns, and/or ?'s then feel free to ask.

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