Hello everyone at wii chat :D


WiiChat Member
Feb 5, 2011
North Carolina
Wii Online Code
Hello everyone, im am new to this site but not new to a forum. my old forum is basically overran with pokemon nerds so i needed a new nintendo forum. well i play many games across the wii. I play black ops, mario kart wii, monster hunter tri, and guitar hero world tour. i own a clan called {nUt$} on black ops, that is what i am most active on. so if you want to join my clan or face my clan. then comment or post your ally code and i'll add ya. so yea, i hope i get to know a lot of great people on this site and i hope you all get to know me :sick:
hey there! what's your rank in mht?

we don't have many pokemon nuts here, don't worry. just don't be insulting to any group.

welcome aboard!
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lots of black ops activity, and not completely over run by pokemon nerds? i think im gonna like it here :) ohhh and dont worry i wont. and to answer the question about monster hunter tri, i dont have the game at the moment im letting a friend borrow it.

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