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- #16
Hello, Lesley-Ann!
I must say that I am very much enjoying my Wii. This may sound funny (well...that's because it is), but as of right now I have the highest score on Wii Sports Resort Bowling out of the other three people I have played.
I just get close to the TV to get my aim set, then step back and let the ball go!
The only issue I have so far is that of navigating the Wii menus with the pointer, as I must be close to the TV set to see everything. I posted a thread in the Hardware portion of this forum which received a helpful reply from BluRayPSP (here which mentioned that a Wii Classic Controller Pro (here) could solve this issue for me. As of right now, I do not have the money to purchase this item, but when I do I definitely plan to get one.
I do not know your father's feelings on his blindness, but encourage him to give the Wii a try. sometimes one can feel hopeless and will not want to do anything for fear fo failure (I have been there...), but please tell him that he is not alone. I'm out here, too!
I hope the best for you and your father. And who knows...he may be the next Wii Bowling Champion in your area.
Take care, Lesley-Ann, and best wishes to you and your father! if I can be of any help with anything, please feel free to PM me or add me as a friend here on the forums.
I must say that I am very much enjoying my Wii. This may sound funny (well...that's because it is), but as of right now I have the highest score on Wii Sports Resort Bowling out of the other three people I have played.
The only issue I have so far is that of navigating the Wii menus with the pointer, as I must be close to the TV set to see everything. I posted a thread in the Hardware portion of this forum which received a helpful reply from BluRayPSP (here which mentioned that a Wii Classic Controller Pro (here) could solve this issue for me. As of right now, I do not have the money to purchase this item, but when I do I definitely plan to get one.
I do not know your father's feelings on his blindness, but encourage him to give the Wii a try. sometimes one can feel hopeless and will not want to do anything for fear fo failure (I have been there...), but please tell him that he is not alone. I'm out here, too!
I hope the best for you and your father. And who knows...he may be the next Wii Bowling Champion in your area.
Take care, Lesley-Ann, and best wishes to you and your father! if I can be of any help with anything, please feel free to PM me or add me as a friend here on the forums.