
WiiChat Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Currently, I have a Samsung 24" Tube TV. Tomorrow, I've decided to buy myself an HDTV. I've heard that the Wii will actually work worse on an HDTV, is this true? I have a 360 as well as the Wii, and I know the 360 will see a large improvment, but will the Wii look like crap. Also, I don't have digital cable, jsut analog service; does anyone know if my regular TV channels will look like crap?
Rosbaughcr said:
Currently, I have a Samsung 24" Tube TV. Tomorrow, I've decided to buy myself an HDTV. I've heard that the Wii will actually work worse on an HDTV, is this true? I have a 360 as well as the Wii, and I know the 360 will see a large improvment, but will the Wii look like crap. Also, I don't have digital cable, jsut analog service; does anyone know if my regular TV channels will look like crap?

It's debateble. 480p will just give you a clearer picture which does will make the polygons more noticeable.

Still much better visually, especially if it's a widescreen.
Rosbaughcr said:
I've heard that the Wii will actually work worse on an HDTV, is this true? I have a 360 as well as the Wii, and I know the 360 will see a large improvment, but will the Wii look like crap.
Your wii will be seen as visually intended, not crappier. Though in the case the lack of anti-aliasing won't be as 'unintentionally' blurred by crappy cross-over via a/v cables. I suggest you use component myself, as most games do look better, and the ones that may look a bit worse look far more crisp; as intended.

Rosbaughcr said:
and I know the 360 will see a large improvment
That's because your television can span it's entire native resolution with the 360's help. Everything else Wii/TV has to go with a lower resolution and stretch it to fit the size. This is the whole issue with Wii having a low resolution, a few years back 480p was big. Now days it's about a medium sized resolution. Bad choice for nintendo, this is the age of a 30" EDTV minimum in the living room.

Rosbaughcr said:
does anyone know if my regular TV channels will look like crap?
It depends on the television. I used analog when I recieved my first HDTV... it looked like absolute crap. A few months down I sold and got a new one. It had better filtering options to make it look better. Which ultimately it doesn't look half bad, not as good as HDTV, but good. You really just have to see it yourself and judge if it's good enough for you. I have fairly high standards myself. I am using a 42" as my main monitor for my TV/PC/Wii/360 and couldn't be any happier.

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