HD ever possible?

Jorge said:
No, it would take entirely new internals for the Wii to produce HD. The Wii is built to put out 480p max. HD is 720p or greater. The component cables will transmit 720p, but your resolution is only as great as your source.

BTW if you bought a Wii hoping for great graphics...well...you're a dumbass.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has great graphics. I believe it's better than Fable or the latest instalment of Final Fantasy. Heck, the intro of Super Smash Bros. Melee has amazing graphics..

Mate, please don't judge graphics purely on the source of power of the system. It's true more detailed graphic engines and rendering systems require more powerful hardware, but there are alternative methods for 3D graphics to display the same picture with less system requirements. It's called 'good programming'.

And mate, if you buy a gaming console hoping clock rates determine graphics, you're a dumb ass.
No, what I'm getting at is the fact that the Wii is all about interactive gameplay. I never said it had bad graphics.
LuzTeTT said:
If you want it, do it. Graphics cards are easily replacable, you just need to play around until you figure out what the Wii graphic outputs to and replace that with your PC video card. xD Then hope the firmware can handle it.
Regardless, as I said, if you get it working and it delivers a HD signal you may not like what you see at all.

edit: ooooops Spiritshotgun already said something like this... sorry dude...:

Umm has any1 here even opened a game console before?

I have.. ive opened an xbox, ps1, ps2, xbox 360, gamecube and ALL of them have an onboard graphics card/chip which is part of the motherboard so i dont see how it is 'easy' to just replace the graphics card.

They are not designed like PC's. they are not designed to be upgradable...

So i dont know why your giving people ideas to open their Wii and just grab a PC graphics card and wack it in..
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bubs said:
edit: ooooops Spiritshotgun already said something like this... sorry dude...:

Umm has any1 here even opened a game console before?

I have.. ive opened an xbox, ps1, ps2, xbox 360, gamecube and ALL of them have an onboard graphics card/chip which is part of the motherboard so i dont see how it is 'easy' to just replace the graphics card.

They are not designed like PC's. they are not designed to be upgradable...

So i dont know why your giving people ideas to open their Wii and just grab a PC graphics card and wack it in..


Graphics cards are easily replacable, you just need to play around until you figure out what the Wii graphic outputs to and replace that with your PC video card. xD Then hope the firmware can handle it.

Totally, lol. I was being sarcastic. I hope people don't get ideas... =\ Lol..
LuzTeTT said:
Chances are, no. If you want a better signal just buy component cables. Chances are people will hack the Wii and install a new graphics card in it, if you do this you're voiding your waranty... and you may not at all like what you see - some graphics just aren't designed for HD.

You WILL NEVER be able to install a new graphics card in the wii like you can with a PC thinking that is just so rediculously stupid... im surprised nobody else has mentioned it...

LuzTeTT said:
If you want it, do it. Graphics cards are easily replacable, you just need to play around until you figure out what the Wii graphic outputs to and replace that with your PC video card. xD Then hope the firmware can handle it.
Regardless, as I said, if you get it working and it delivers a HD signal you may not like what you see at all.

even more total bollocks pardon my french... but PC graphics cards are easily replaceable... console ones ARENT! infact in the history of consoles thus far... nobody has successfully upgraded the graphics card...

as to the "hope the firmware can handle it" thats even more dumb... sorry but you really shouldn't say rediculous rubbish like this... I'm just shocked that some people aren't bringing you up on this...

LuzTeTT said:
People with good quality television sets aren't worried about 480P. Any progressive signal looks great with a good TV. Still, I think Nintendo are hiding 576P ... in theory Wii should be capable of this. Chances are we might get it in a firmware update for when the "DVD Wii" is released.


Edit 1: Spelling and grammar corrections.

I just cant belittle your post enough... if I could give your post a rating out of 10 it would be a -15

my god... posting links to random wii websites citing them as "sources" does not make your clap trap relevant...

I for one will be sendthing your drivvel to my friends for a good laugh...

and for the OP... no the Wii wont have higher graphics unless they release a whole new wii... the graphics (or at least the developers ability to make full use of the Wii's potential) will improve over time just like with all consoles...

but you will never get HD graphics like the 360 or PS3...


disappointed at the total nonsense people let appear in there posts...
LuzTeTT said:

Totally, lol. I was being sarcastic. I hope people don't get ideas... =\ Lol..

Sarcasm from Greek σαρκασμός (sarkasmos), 'mockery, sarcasm' is sneering, jesting, or mocking at a person, situation or thing. It is strongly associated with irony, with some definitions classifying it as a type of verbal irony intended to insult or wound[1] — stating the opposite of the intended meaning, e.g. using "that's fantastic" to mean "that's awful". It is used mostly in a humorous manner, and is expressed through vocal intonations such as over-emphasizing the actual statement or particular words. Use of sarcasm is sometimes viewed as an expression of concealed anger[2] or annoyance.

that is how you give information and quote sources...

but obviously you know that...


need any more information on sarcasm pm me...
i think this was brought up in another "HD wii" thread... but i remember gran turismo 4 on Ps2 and there was an option for 1080i in the options menu... not sure how good it looked but the option was there.... so couldnt devs tweak the software a lil bit to maybe get 720p? i know this is WISHFUL thinking but if polydigital could do it with ps2 and the wii is like what 1.5x better than ps2 hardware speaking they could perhaps do it on wii but the speed of the game might suffer due to more stress on the software to scale to HD.

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