HD ever possible?

thoughtcrimnal84 said:
Are you considering, $50 "games" filled with nothing but novelty mini-games and zero replay value fun??

What about craptastic ports??

what about a certain system selling cartoon fighting game that still has no definitive release date???

Or a system that touts itself as being all about Multiplayer (even names itself after the plural of multiple persons) not having online?

Although you're getting flamed. You do raise some good points. Alot of the games that are out now are filled with mini-games which personally I cannot stand. But that's mostly because they are launch games that are wii-mote demonstrations more than anything else. If you look at the games that are starting to come out like Super Paper Mario, things are definitely improving.

It would be nice to be able to go online with a Wii and be able to play people online. Nintendo is being very stubborn about the recognizing the importance of online gaming. Online play and downloadable content is crucial to the future success of the Wii.

I'm a PC/360 person myself, but I have to admit that Wii has some redeeming qualities due to it's originality and it's exclusive titles.

If I need graphics or intense online gaming I'll fire up my Xbox 360 or my PC.
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dchao said:
I have seen BluRay DVD playing on 50+" HDTV screen using 1080P, it will blow away your analog TV with SD DVD movies. If you haven't seen it, go to BestBuy and see for yourself.

ha ha, like you will ever get the same tv in your home to have the same atmosphere as a best buy.

</not knocking 1080p>
thoughtcrimnal84 said:
You know that you will get laid eventually, so don't care that it won't be this year or the next. :lol:

Are you like 14? you sure do act it. I've been laid many times in my life.
Spiritshotgun said:
Are you like 14? you sure do act it. I've been laid many times in my life.

Yeh off sheep, anyway graphics is just as important as gameplay, you said consoles are not for graphics, there for fun, are you suggesting the Ps3 or 360 isnt fun? because since i got my Ps3 i havent touched my wii:hand:
---Brian--- said:
Yeh off sheep, anyway graphics is just as important as gameplay, you said consoles are not for graphics, there for fun, are you suggesting the Ps3 or 360 isnt fun? because since i got my Ps3 i havent touched my wii:hand:

to be honest having to pay that much money for a PS3 i would expect it to have bleeding holographic projection, the wii is much more reasonable priced, and we still get pretty damn good graphics. Like most people here have said, its as much about the fun, and i think nintendo have struck a very good compromise between price/graphics/gameplay/sheer fun
thoughtcrimnal84 said:
You nintendo fanboys make me laugh. Acting like graphics don't matter. Gameplay is important, but when (6 months after release) only 1 game on the Wii is even worth a shite there is a problem. Games like Red steel, that were touted as having great controls are supposed to be system sellers. But instead the controls sucked, was filled with tons of kiddie swear words to seem "adult", and looked like the bastard child on a very bad N64 shooter. When a game looks like crap, it takes the absolute BEST gameplay and controls to make it worth playing.

Developers haven't figured out good controls for the Wii yet, but it would be nice to have had decent graphics at least.

The Wii is severly lacking in decent games. We all knew that the graphics were going to be crap, but we expected other things to be supplanting that, and we were wrong. (me included because i have a wii and am extremely dissappointed with it)

The Wii has nothing but kiddie games, kiddie graphics, innovative controls, not necessarily better though (and when you step back and look at it, you really wouldn't have a problem if the controls were like they were for previous titles of the same lame ports the Wii is getting). And seeing that this forum is filled with nothing but 16 year olds. I hoped for so much more from the wii and we haven't gotten it.

I agree with much of what youre saying. Whilst graphics arent the be all and end all, the graphics on most of the Wii games have been very poor and the controls haven't been utilised that well. There's constant talk about all these great games around the corner, but to be honest all I ever see is 2nd rate ports.
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all im sayin is that the wii would have been the ultimate console if it had hd.
It would be many times more better than the ps3, and all them ps3 fanboys wuld have nothing to complain about!
LuzTeTT said:
People with good quality television sets aren't worried about 480P. Any progressive signal looks great with a good TV. Still, I think Nintendo are hiding 576P ... in theory Wii should be capable of this. Chances are we might get it in a firmware update for when the "DVD Wii" is released.
576P is considered high-definition and all PAL DVDs come stock with 576P (unless limited by player equipment).

You do the math.
mk_south_london said:
all im sayin is that the wii would have been the ultimate console if it had hd.
If Wii had been the ultimate console, they were more likely to be crushed by MS and SONY.
HD would own for the wii, but the games arent that high of detail, so thered be no reason for HD...
dchao said:

All DVD formats are interlaced (both 480I and 576I). It's your equipment, the DVD player, that is doing all the conversion (reverse pulldown with line doubling).


Hmm. Seems I was incorrect. Maybe this DVD player isn't so cheap after all...
Infact, I must have a really powerful DVD player. o_O; Wow, it was so cheap. I totally scammed the place. xD

I see, so does this mean Blu-Ray is progressive scan by default or...?
LuzTeTT said:
Hmm. Seems I was incorrect. Maybe this DVD player isn't so cheap after all...

Progressive DVD players are dirt cheap now, and are getting cheaper still.

In the US, you can get progressive DVD player for $50.


LuzTeTT said:
I see, so does this mean Blu-Ray is progressive scan by default or...?

Nope, Blu-Ray supports both progressive and interlace. However, movies are normally encoded at the native frame rate 24p (24 frames progressive) and other HDTV or video 50/60i (50/60 frames interlaced).
No, it would take entirely new internals for the Wii to produce HD. The Wii is built to put out 480p max. HD is 720p or greater. The component cables will transmit 720p, but your resolution is only as great as your source.

BTW if you bought a Wii hoping for great graphics...well...you're a dumbass.

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