Has Sony Ever Made Their Own

easy there man I have to confess I got a ps2 and you be careful arguing about the ps3 it does have some games that take advantage of its awesome power games like Assasins Creed and Heavenly Sword anyone you even looks at those graphics has to admist it is top notch sure sony might not have their own games but did that ever stop them no so don't bag on sony cause I'll defend it I am sony and nitnedno fanboy my first system was a ps1 try to argue that Finan Fantasy seven was bad try it!
LoL bigg i love doing that too, they wont even be able to tell you why they love the PS3 besides its graphics and games, which a lot of games are being cancelled because they cost so much to make. Yah haku, their amazing graphics, but i would rather get a 360, ps3 isnt that much more powerful in graphics, so I would ratehr pay 200 less for a 360
Oh really FF VVII sucks Huh guess that is why must RPG fans will tell you it was the best RPG ever. Oh and name one other RPG game that has a movie based on it. On and lets not forget the Dirge of Cerebus there still makeing sequels to a game that was done 8 years ago why don't you stop being ignorant and try it for yourself huh:" :D
Lord Haku said:
easy there man I have to confess I got a ps2 and you be careful arguing about the ps3 it does have some games that take advantage of its awesome power games like Assasins Creed and Heavenly Sword anyone you even looks at those graphics has to admist it is top notch sure sony might not have their own games but did that ever stop them no so don't bag on sony cause I'll defend it I am sony and nitnedno fanboy my first system was a ps1 try to argue that Finan Fantasy seven was bad try it!
Sounds like things could heat up. *points towards iOn's thread about arguements over PS3 vs 360 vs Wii and runs away*

Final Fantasy VII was a great game. Though many have slated it's sequels (though I'll still probably get them) and I also love Kingdom Hearts.

When all's said and done, there are good games on all consoles. If you limit yourself to a single console (though PS3 for me is too expensive and there aren't enough titles for the 360 to warrant me buying one yet), you're only punishing yourself. PS2 had a few games that I like, but Nintendo will always be my console of choice.
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ok, calm down i was just kidding. I said in my post before that I like ff7. But I don't think you should be praising sony, you should be praising Square Enix
Good point I really just love all Final Fantasy games. Plus I am a huge RPG fan and no offense to anyone but there are just more RPGs on the ps2 that just a fact nothing insluting really :D
:lol: you just don't get it do you oh well kind of funny how you think if you just stick to one console its better than everything else. your limiting yourself branch out but thats stupid isn't it ah shut up man god your talking like a 5 year old boy it is just a system this isn't like a religon man calm down :lol:
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god of war? ico? shadow of the colossus? gran turismo?

those arent questions. those are "how do you not know about these?"

addition: yes, legend of dragoon was sony made, along with a ton of other games for ps1 and ps2