hard drive help


WiiChat Member
Sep 23, 2009
Wii Online Code
hi guys im new to this forum so please be gentle lol
Problem ive got is a friend recently set me up with an external hard drive for the wii so i can play my games.Problems is

1.When i turn on the hard drive attched to the wii i loose internet connection
2.When i restart the pc and connect to the internet ive lost almost 2 meg of broadband speed and also the internet connection is very unstable.

I have a thompson 780 router/modem and my isp is be broadband(24 meg).

Is the problem my router? Do i need to upgrade to a netgear for example

many thanks

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Can you send me an email palermo? This thing is foing ma head in

thanks andy
calm down there jr. you're not a big man yet. hard drives wouldnt violate the wiichat code b/c hard drives are plain useless (not supported) by the wii.
lols ok actually they are use full there champ, when u modd ur wii you can partishian and format the hard drive so u can put wii game iso's on it so once u have the right things u can actually run games off the external hard drives. so put that in ur poket rukus.

oh snap

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