Wii Hard drive question


WiiChat Member
Dec 16, 2006
I have THIS hard drive connected to my TV, which sits next to my Wii. The Wii has a USB port and so does the drive. Can I connect them for any use?
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as of right now i do not believe so.
but maybe their could be a firmware update that alllows you to in the future
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Waky Wii said:
I dunno. I wouldn't risk it, it could mess up your wii.:frown2:

Or you could, and realize that it works.:smilewinkgrin:

Your choice:scared:

I won't risk it either, just in case it causes problems.:(
i mean i charge my zune using my wii usb slots lol so maybe it will work but prob not lol
The Wii cannot support any kind of external storage other than a SD card. This may be different in the future, but for now, SD cards are your only option.
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If WiiLi ever gets released it could be a handy little add on.

Thanks for the replies


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