Halo Vs Metroid: An extremely well made video

Cpt.McCloud said:
You are awesome...

Unreal tournement and then this:D

But it is hella confusing why the suit done that.

No.. YOU are awesome. haha.

But seriously, that was a sick video for a unfunded fan movie. Master seemed to do a few things not matching his character, but the team attack sequence was sweeeeeeeet.

I thought this was gonna be a WHICH GAME SUCKS fanboy movie. Wrong was i.
PtonJalken said:
No.. YOU are awesome. haha.

But seriously, that was a sick video for a unfunded fan movie. Master seemed to do a few things not matching his character, but the team attack sequence was sweeeeeeeet.

I thought this was gonna be a WHICH GAME SUCKS fanboy movie. Wrong was i.

Yeah it is pretty awesome for a fan made one, they over exaggerated on quite a few things like master cheif and for one which wasnt funded or anything it is a great peice of work.

-starts new you put the phone down, no you put it down, hehehe situation-
Cpt.McCloud, moistness makes electronics go bzzzzt...know what I'm saying?

Samus would own mister chef all the same.
Jay61 said:
Cpt.McCloud, moistness makes electronics go bzzzzt...know what I'm saying?

Samus would own mister chef all the same.


Thats one explantion:ihih:
Cpt.McCloud said:
But they are women...

Why would the suit go crazy in that area if its a women...

Thats what's crazy.

I understand maybe lesbian relations but the suit goes crazy in that area for what?

"Lesbian relations" was what I was proposing from the start.

Ummmm, cuz that's where her vagina is. For future reference, male AND female sex organs are located in the same area.
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Jay61 said:
Cpt.McCloud, moistness makes electronics go bzzzzt...know what I'm saying?

Samus would own mister chef all the same.
Surely, that would either be painful or extremely pleasurable...

...electricity can be conducted through liquids...

...Also, the whole Lesbian scenario would be the only way some Halo fans would accept Master Chief as a woman!

...On a side note, the maker of this should make a sequel, one that involves Samus' light whip!

/pervert mode.
MC cant be a woman for 2 main reasons.
1) his real name is John
2) if you read the books it tells you he is a guy.

anyways ive seen the video before. it is awesome. the guy who made it has talent.
WiiDS said:
"Lesbian relations" was what I was proposing from the start.

Ummmm, cuz that's where her vagina is. For future reference, male AND female sex organs are located in the same area.

Yes but if it is this why does the same effect happen on the other enemies at the end dancing scene, surely all them are not lesbiens too.

If it was male or female caused wouldnt it be different problems but they just appear the same.
they kissed :drool: at the end nice arses :drool: lesbos :eek: :drool: :ihih: anyyyyyyway nice find
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Saw that a while back, and well, was amazed. My explanation is that Master chief went through a sex change...
Cpt.McCloud said:
Yes but if it is this why does the same effect happen on the other enemies at the end dancing scene, surely all them are not lesbiens too.

If it was male or female caused wouldnt it be different problems but they just appear the same.

haha, you don't have to a lesbian to be turned on. I don't really know what you'e saying, but it was a joke anyways.
WiiDS said:
haha, you don't have to a lesbian to be turned on. I don't really know what you'e saying, but it was a joke anyways.

Yeah, I am taking this way too far tho, it is weird:lol:
JT. said:
Saw that a while back, and well, was amazed. My explanation is that Master chief went through a sex change...
a very very well done expensive sex change lol:lol:

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