Halo Vs Metroid: An extremely well made video

Sovieto said:
nope, master chief is a man who has a super uber power suit on. you hear him speak, deep heroic voice.
but u dont know.... "she" COULD be hiding it with a male voice over device.....its the future....come on!!!

I think there should be a Haloid game. Sony would be a crying kid in the corner (as if they aren't already).
FR. said:
That movie is very well put together but you can't rely on it to pick which character is better (Master Chief or Samus Aran). Nice find anyway, the action in that movie was amazing.

Also, LOL at 5:29.

I have to agree. That was a very well put together video.
Sorry for the big ass bump but did anyone else notice that when samus first appears out of the suit and master cheifs groan area sort of malfunctioned:ihih:

Some one mentioned it all ready but at the end master cheif is a women.

Seriously what was up with that:scared:

Great video tho.
lol....yeah....i noticed that too......must be the suit....:lol:

wario2ooo said:
but u dont know.... "she" COULD be hiding it with a male voice over device.....its the future....come on!!!

^^^^it might be true.....:lol:
HOLY@$!# THAT WAS SOOOOO AWESOME!!! It was a Matrix Halo/ Metroid style vid...who ever did this was really really good

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