guys guess what i know when wii2 comes out

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Johndoe01 said:
I think he's right. Nintendo web site has an interview with those guys that developed Wii. They said that right before Gamecube was released, they already thought about the next generation console which is Wii now. My uncle works at the headquarter in Wa said that they already had in mind about Wii3 to be released some time in 2014. This Wii3 will be twice as powerful as PS3 and instead of using Wiimote, you'll wear a helmet (just like Virtual Boy in the old day) and it'll be absolutely awesome!
I can't wait for Wii3!!!

Oh Wow, we have two people making storys at once.

I doubt the wii2 thing, seriously tho, nintendo keep thigns close to their chest why would they announce this to a whole company.

you may of got the wrong end of the stick, possibly they are just think of some new hard ware or software, they would not tell everyone at a company about it this easily.

and to the guy i quoted, >>:wtf: <<.

my cousin wrks fr sony nd he just got bk from a meetin thimgy in japan and he gt tlod tht sony and nintendi are workin togther fr the nxt consle:yikes:


Lets not beleive everything that is said. like other people have said 3 years for a new console is pretty weird, if anything are you sure it wasn't a new hand held?

PS3 will not be the Next Dreamcast, it will come back strong soon.

Sonys been there, done that, PS2 improved sales wise in time.
ack i dont' want to turn this thread into a reason why ps3's gonna die but just to tell you guys my philosphy

in 3 years there's gonna be a brand new xbox and a brand new nintendo product, they will be greater than the ps3, however since the ps3 was so far of it's time, sony's not going to release anything anytime soon

so in my philosphy basically

next nintendo product=gamecube
next m$ product=ps2/xbox
paintba||er said:

Wait, it is going to last 8 years, yet it will be like the Dreamcast? That doesn't seem to make much sense......

I think he means that the PS3 will become old an become a classic. It's abilities won't be reduced though.

I disagree with mushroomedmario when he says the PS3 will last 8 years, come on, the average "life" of a console is 4-6 years, not 8 years.
Wow, I wish I saw this earlier, like stated before I am sure they have ideas for a new console, just like they do for new games (Zelda), and it will probably come out in 2010.
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well,well,well i caused a roit about the console wars lol
guys i might be wrong about the date but they said they might incorperate this pad into the next generation of wii about 2009
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