guys guess what i know when wii2 comes out

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why wont you guys believe me i'm a responsible poster i thought i was doing you guys a favour if you dont believe me look up splashpower on google it's a real company and my dad is in japan right now talking with other companys like sony
like paintballer said, consoles usually take about 5-6 years untill the next batch comes out. i highly dought the next nintendo system (or "wii 2") will come out as early as 09.
Johndoe01 said:
I think he's right. Nintendo web site has an interview with those guys that developed Wii. They said that right before Gamecube was released, they already thought about the next generation console which is Wii now. My uncle works at the headquarter in Wa said that they already had in mind about Wii3 to be released some time in 2014. This Wii3 will be twice as powerful as PS3 and instead of using Wiimote, you'll wear a helmet (just like Virtual Boy in the old day) and it'll be absolutely awesome!
I can't wait for Wii3!!!
how are they thinking about wii 3? they havent even started making wii2 yet, and the next generation will come out in 2010, not 2009, and sorry to say, i dont even own a wii, im a playstation guy, i have all playstations (ps1, ps2, ps3 and PSP) but i do own a gamecube and a nintendo DS
in touch with the wii said:
why wont you guys believe me i'm a responsible poster i thought i was doing you guys a favour if you dont believe me look up splashpower on google it's a real company and my dad is in japan right now talking with other companys like sony
becasue if we believed everything that we read on forums then we'd all be idiots, its the exact same thing in real life, everything needs to be backed up by evidence, a simple word of mouth is not enough.
lmao this is the biggest rumor since sonic in melee. i wont believe this until i see reggie say "the new wii is on its way... im happy, im reggie, im not fat, muscle is heavier..."
i did hear a rumor on a whole different website about the ps4, nintendo revolution, and xbox540, all supposed to be released between november 2010 and may 2011, they call the "wii2" the revolution because that was the codename for the original wii
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ok how can i get evidence go back in time and record it ok ill get my light speed engine:frown2:
if you dont want to believe me fine you can close thread i cant be bothered trying to tell the info i heard laters
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in touch with the wii said:
ok how can i get evidence go back in time and record it ok ill get my light speed engine:frown2:
lol even so i doubt thatd be enough, if IGN has something and it gets confirmed by ninty then maybe you can say i told you so, untill then who really cares...
yeah in touch, it seems like your lieing, you might believe you arent lieing but with out proof you seem like a 5 year old kid saying that he can fly. with out proof its just immature. rumors=future lies
gingerkid said:
yeah in touch, it seems like your lieing, you might believe you arent lieing but with out proof you seem like a 5 year old kid saying that he can fly. with out proof its just immature. rumors=future lies
i wouldnt go that far, he may be telling all truth but without being able to back it up then its just too bad. same thing has happened alot in science, unfortunately when i write a report everything i say has to be backed up from at least 3 different books or sources.
in touch with the wii said:
ok how can i get evidence go back in time and record it ok ill get my light speed engine:frown2:
if you dont want to believe me fine you can close thread i cant be bothered trying to tell the info i heard laters
it doesnt matter, they havent started making any next generation console yet, maybe they have ideas for them, but they havent actually done work on any of them, so its impossible to get proof right now
Almo said:
i wouldnt go that far, he may be telling all truth but without being able to back it up then its just too bad. same thing has happened alot in science, unfortunately when i write a report everything i say has to be backed up from at least 3 different books or sources.
yeah thats called a basic term paper, and in touch should look into that, in touch just google wii 2 or w.e. and find some sources and post the links on here. maybe then your rumor might become more legible.
:sick: Wow, this forum is hilarious. STOP bashing everyone everytime they go against the majority. There have been rumors based on various analysists that this could be possible. Maybe not in the given time frame (1-3 years) but it is possible. Nintendo has tried its best to create a system that had enough graphics to keep you looking at what you were playing while feeling like you are part of the game (motion controls). Keeping with that, the system is priced significantly lower because it does not cram all those resources in it. Still following me? Nintendo waited till motion controls got low enough in manufacturing cost to implement it into the Wii. Had this system came out instead of the Gamecube, you would have been paying 3DO prices (currently PS3 80GB model)! Once all the resources needed for the Wii successor are low enough, they will come out with it. 360 and PS3 are so much because they are using created mediums (specialized Xenon processors, HD-DVD, Cell processor, Blu-Ray, etc.). The Wii however can turn a profit per each system sold because they are using just what is neccessary to create an experience that you did not mind looking at but you loved to play. Oh yeah, here's a link to one analysists thoughts about the new Wii......
all that may true (and a little confusing) but i believe the ps3 is still better than the wii, i know this is the "wiichat" website, and everybody here (at least most people i think) own a wii, and i dont, i own a ps3, the only reason i joined this website in the first place is because i am a huge pokemon fan, and i own a DS with diamond and pearl, and i came on here to trade pokemon with people, resistence fall of man for the ps3 alone is just worth buying the ps3, and the only thing the wii has that the ps3 doesnt is mario series, pokemon battle revolution, and zelda series
ShawVAuto said:
:sick: Wow, this forum is hilarious. STOP bashing everyone everytime they go against the majority. There have been rumors based on various analysists that this could be possible. Maybe not in the given time frame (1-3 years) but it is possible. Nintendo has tried its best to create a system that had enough graphics to keep you looking at what you were playing while feeling like you are part of the game (motion controls). Keeping with that, the system is priced significantly lower because it does not cram all those resources in it. Still following me? Nintendo waited till motion controls got low enough in manufacturing cost to implement it into the Wii. Had this system came out instead of the Gamecube, you would have been paying 3DO prices (currently PS3 80GB model)! Once all the resources needed for the Wii successor are low enough, they will come out with it. 360 and PS3 are so much because they are using created mediums (specialized Xenon processors, HD-DVD, Cell processor, Blu-Ray, etc.). The Wii however can turn a profit per each system sold because they are using just what is neccessary to create an experience that you did not mind looking at but you loved to play. Oh yeah, here's a link to one analysists thoughts about the new Wii......
LOL the Wii's motion sensing wouldn't have costed much more last generation.
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