Guitar Hero Metallica Friend Codes

Hey everyone i need some GH Metallica Friends

My code is 369-562-345-278

Add me and post yours and ill add you
I play Expert on everything except vocals
Post up your codes
hm hard on bass and guitar i can play expert on some songs but not vox and my drums broke so yeah
I know I'm probably late on this but I need friends on GH:M. Here's my friend code:


I play Expert on basically all instruments (Mostly Guitar and Base) except for drums (Still cant get the kick down) and War Ensemble (Gotta play that on hard mode sorry). But yeah add me if you like
mine is 206352406804
CUZ I Really need Friends for it
i play it on med threw epert
but not a lot on expert though
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my friend code for Guitar Hero Metallica is 3610 2800 9580
Add me plz.i need to practice.
i also hav World Tour and Smash Hits.And i just Rented Van ill hav that for a week or so.ask for those if u want
mine is 141-974-465-580 ...i play expert guitar/bass but im much better at really good at welcome home (sanitarium), master of puppets, the memory remains, the unforgiven, for whom the bell tolls, wherever i may roam, orion and one.
I play expert + on drums and my friend code is in my sig. Pm me if u add me and will add u back.
Add me

I play expert everything mostly guitar and drums
Guitar hero metallica FC is :1849-2099-7672
I am on alot :)
Hey, ill add you :)
Im playing GH:M like 2-3hours a day, 5-6days a week
I also got World Tour, Legends of Rock and GH5
I play expert guitar and bass (Trrying on bass)
Im really good in guitar (7 100%s and all songs with 5 stars)
My drum kit broke so...
My name on the game is Saskuatch (dont ask why)
Will post my FC codes for the other guitar heros.
GHM: 468427975499
Uh..i think you posted wrong your Friend code (Jjman1996)
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First off, love the name. Secondly, I added your FC, and would love to play some GH Metallica with you. Hit me up, my FC is 038868821698
I can play the guitar fairly well, but mainly I only play drums. (Because I'm really a drummer).