Guitar Hero Metallica Friend Codes

Let's Jam!

Hi, I can never find anyone to play online with, guess GH Metallica's not as popular as World Tour. I'd love to jam, here's my #-038868821698. Add me and pm me if you do, let's rock! Oh, and I usually play drums, expert/expert+ only. The guitar got kinda boring to me after the first few guitar heros... But, since I am a REAL drummer, and they made for double kick, I'm all about it. :)
All done!

Well, I've added everyone on this thread to my friend roster, so if you decide to add me, plz let me know. :lovewii:
Looking for friends to Jam with. I play guitar on any level. Just looking for some fun, but no one is ever playing multiplayer.

Add me: 369 581 737 228
i play mostly on medium but am also kind of good in hard

wii console code- 1759-0093-7262-9966

gh metallica code- 356-677-500-947
same, i play on medium must of the time also, like to vs you some time

GH Metallica: 292278887134
any one wanna play wiff me on ghm just hit me up on yahoo heres my email: <<<--- this is my game name too!!! (I play on expert only> I prefer adding only people on expert or hard) hit me up lets jam out take the time to email me plz ppl
so we can rank up some big scores i live in new mexico>>>> email plz

i added you just add mine... its easy... 356 700 027 617... i added you. i also added 094 684 476 935... and 442 577 510 623... so they can add me too... if anyone else wants to add me just message me or whatever... i'll be on guitar hero most of today............. oh yeah and i only play on expert... guitar... dont have drums... and when i had my mic i only played on expert... but its gone...... so add me and tell me
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Hey add us I just added you

Hey everyone i need some GH Metallica Friends

My code is 369-562-345-278

Add me and post yours and ill add you
I play Expert on everything except vocals
Post up your codes

Hey man my gh metallica number is 068-975-436-029