GTA port coming to Wii

Inspire said:
Agreed. Nintendo's supposed to be going family-friendly. I'd like to see them stick to their guns. And don't kid yourselves - GTA won't sell consoles - not at this point in the game. Zelda, GoW, H3, FFXIII - those sell consoles - not GTA.

It wouldn't increase sales, but it could decrease Sony's.

I know my friends and me are all saying the one game we'll miss from the Playstation is GTA. That would be the only thing that would make me even consider getting a PS3 (Although I'd wait of the price to come down in a couple of years).
Godfather is coming out for the wii aswell. Cannot wait for it!
xbandaidx said:
What do you mean strict? They check for ID's or what?

I know Best Buy checks IDs for mature games. I've been carded multiple times. When I bought Gears of War, I was carrying my 2 1/2 year old daughter and the cashier carded me (I'm 25). I was thinking, "Are you serious?" I just gave the cashier a kind of confused look :tard: and showed him my ID.

I noticed that when they scan in a Mature game, their screen pops up a window that asks if the buyer's DOB is on or before that date which would make you old enough to buy the game.
Wycky said:
Who cares about what games come out on any system, kids, adult, sports, Simulation what ever
None of it is junk, if you don't like the game just don't buy it.
If parents don't want there kids playing M games, then don't buy them for your kids.

That's the most mature thing I've read in this thread so far. If the Wii is supposed to be for everyone, then surely that means there should be some games adults can enjoy as well? Just because a game is full of sex and/or violence, doesn't automatically mean it's crap. Heck, Resident Evil 4 was probably the Gamecube's finest moment. And like Wycky said, if you don't like mature games, you're quite welcome not to buy them. Or you can use the parental controls if you want.

I'd be interested to see a GTA game for the Wii, but only if it's something new, and not just some port of GTA 3 with tacked on Wiimote features.
i really hope they build a new gta game for wii it would rock with katana!! maby a smaller version of GTA4 with mosion sencing.
I think nintendo scored with the wii for a few VERY important reasons. We all must realize that the motion sensitive controllers dont jst appeal to the Consumers like us, but also to ALL of the companies that make games!!! If a company thinks that a system is doing really well on the market, that would of course incline them to develop games for that system. In the case of the wii, I think a lot of game designers probably see a lot of promise in the consoles control system. I think GTA would make an awesome addition to the wii.
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They could make the controls similar to Zelda:TP. Its a 3rd person game, you can swing a katana similar to how Zelda swings his sword and shoot a gun the same way Zelda shoots arrows. For driving cars they need to be careful how they do it, because I heard the driving controls for CoD3 are a failure.
I dunno.. there's alot of controversy with GTA when kids were killing stuff with a controller.. add the Wiimote and the parents are going to have a field day..
So I cant play GTA on my Wii becuase of Parents that dont play Video Games??? Sounds great right let the people that dont use your product tell you what to do with it.
I hope the Wii gets some kind of GTA on it!
I mean it would be a smart move....I think Rockstar may make more cash if they would do that anyways!

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